Down the TBR Hole #38

July 15, 2018

Down the TBR Hole was originally created over at Lost in a Story, and is a super fun (and simultaneously productive) tag to help you whittle away at those never-ending TBRs! (By the way, you can click on the covers to go to the Goodreads listings!)

It works like this:

  • Go to your goodreads to-read shelf.
  • Order on ascending date added.
  • Take the first 5 (or 10 or 15 or 20, if you’re feeling adventurous) books
  • Read the synopses of the books
  • Decide: keep it or should it go?
  • Keep track of where you left off so you can pick up there next week!

Current “to-read” shelf: 940 titles

BOOKS 691-695:


In Ageless Sleep by Arden Ellis – added 07.27.17
This is an f/f sci-fi novella, which sounds great, but honestly I have SO MANY novellas that I want to get to, and I don’t read them very often besides ARCs… so I don’t think I’ll ever get around to this one.

Dark Cities by Christopher Golden – added 07.28.17
My knee-jerk reaction is to keep this because it has a Seanan McGuire story, but I’m told that the very first story depicts graphic rape of animals, and that honestly makes me hesitant to support the anthology AT ALL. My library doesn’t have it, and I don’t really want to buy it.

Atheists Who Kneel and Pray by Tarryn Fisher – added 07.28.17
I adored Mud Vein by TF, so I really want to read more from her!

Corrupt by Penelope Douglas – added 07.29.17
I had so many problems with Birthday Girl and felt like there was a lot of power imbalance there and behavior from the dude that made me uncomfortable. It makes me EXTREMELY torn on this one, but for now, I’m keeping it.

Into the Drowning Deep by Seanan McGuire – added 07.30.17
Yes, yes, a million times yes—why haven’t I read this yet?

BOOKS 696-700:


The Daemoniac by Kat Ross – added 07.30.17
Do I think I will read this any time soon at all? No. Do I already own this? Yes. Am I trash for Jack the Ripper stories? Yes.

The Hollow Girl by Hillary Monahan – added 08.03.17
I was SO PUMPED for this last year, got the eARC… and it somehow never happened. Why am I like this?

Assassin’s Heart by Sarah Ahiers – added 08.03.17
I’m trying to get pickier about YA fantasy stories that don’t “jump” out at me and I don’t already own.

These Things I’ve Done by Rebecca Phillips – added 08.03.17
I feel like I would like this one fine, but I just don’t have any pressing need to read it at all.

Let’s Talk About Love by Claire Kann – added 08.08.17
This contemporary has a black asexual bi main character, which… yes? Please?

BOOKS 701-705:


The Mime Order by Samantha Shannon – added 08.10.17
I have no clue why I haven’t read this yet, because I LOVED the first book in the series!

Alone by Cyn Balog – added 08.11.17
I got this ARC last fall and I don’t know how it slipped through the cracks, but I actually forgot it existed until just now. Yikes… I’m gonna try to prioritize this ASAP!

The Lady’s Guide to Petticoats and Piracy by Mackenzi Lee – added 08.12.17
I actually didn’t care for Felicity in the first book at all, but I like Mackenzi’s writing a lot and I liked the first book overall. I decided not to request an ARC of this one because of my feelings for Felicity, and I’m not pre-ordering it, but I WILL get it from my library this fall or winter.

Unearthed by Amie Kaufman – added 08.13.17
I felt iffy on this to begin with, but the longer it’s been out and the more reviews I’ve read… eh.

Invictus by Ryan Graudin – added 08.13.17
I don’t know why I added this originally—hype, maybe?—because it never struck me as interesting.

BOOKS 706-710:


Jane, Unlimited by Kristin Cashore – added 08.13.17
I actually distinctly remember avoiding adding this for MONTHS before I finally added it to my TBR at a friend’s requesting. I still really just don’t have any interest in it.

The Nowhere Girls by Amy Reed – added 08.13.17
I forgot about this until I read Amy’s story in Our Stories, Our Voices, where she talked about how this book was so heavily inspired by her own assault, and it made me want to pick it up soon.

In Real Life by Cory Doctorow – added 08.13.17
It’s a graphic novel about MMO players! It sounds so cute.

Devil in Ohio by Daria Polatin – added 08.13.17
This gets pretty brutal ratings, but I have an eARC I missed the release date of and I love cult-related stories, so I’m gonna try picking it up very soon.

My New Crush Gave to Me by Shani Petroff – added 08.13.17
I don’t know if I read the synopsis when I added this, but I actually hate contemporary romances where a girl enlists a friend’s help to “catch” a guy she likes, and then she falls for the friend who has feelings for her… It’s just such a tired and unhappy plot device to me, and it sounds like this one relies heavily on that.





More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

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    1. Aaaah but In Ageless Sleep sounds so good 🙁 I haven’t read it yet either, but sci-fi retelling? Hell yes.
      Into the Drowning Deep also sounds great!

    1. Let’s Talk About Love is still on my TBR too, let’s see who gets their review up first! 🙂 Actually I DNF’ed the Gentleman’s Guide, so definitely not picking up the ladies one.

      1. Haha it’ll probably be you. The way my TBR is set up… lmao I’m rolling my eyes at MYSELF. And I honestly can understand the Guide thing – I loved it at the time, but if I read it right now, it’d probably be a 3-4 star read for me as my tastes have just changed a LOT in the last year. I also find that I give in to hype a lot less than I did a year ago, and I know for a fact that part of why I loved Guide so much last year was just because all of my friends were raving about it. I think I got sucked into the hype mindset pretty badly when I first started reviewing!

    1. I only just added Into the Drowning Deep to my tbr and I am honestly so hyped for it! I think it’s almost 500 pages so it’s super daunting in that way, but it’s Seanan McGuire so I know it’s gonna be bomb!
      The Nowhere Girls is really great. Of course, it’s really hard hitting but I definitely recommend it. It has some really great lessons and commentary in it!

      1. Yeah, it is a clunker, right?! But you just know it’s gonna be so worth it! Hopefully we both get the chance to pick it up soon!
        Oh, awesome. ♥ I really loved the short story of hers in Our Stories, Our Voices, and it made me want to read The Nowhere Girls ASAP when I realized she was the same author.

    1. Lovely post! <3 I have heard great things about Let's Talk About Love from fellow bloggers and I can't wait to read it someday. I'm glad you're keeping it and I hope you will enjoy it! 🙂
      I also have The Nowhere Girls on my TBR, everyone has been recommending this book to me lately, I'm really, really curious to see what all the fuss is about, it sounds really good 😀
      Happy reading! 😀

    1. Okay, I had nooo idea that Seanan McGuire and Mira Grant were the same person until this very second. Wild. Also, I saw Hillary Monahan do a few panels at a sff/f convention and now I cannot WAIT to read everything she’s written. <3 ____ <3

      1. Yeaaaaah! Mira is her pseudonym – cool, right? ♥
        Aww, that’s awesome! I’ve only read one thing by her so far and wasn’t honestly impressed, but it was one of her first books, I think, and I have a rule not to judge an author by their early work if they’ve been writing a while!

        1. I think that’s a good rule! To be fair, I haven’t read anything by her yet, BUT she’s a super cool person with really good messages.

      1. Aww, this makes me so happy! Sometimes I worry that people aren’t enjoying them anymore since they don’t tend to get as many comments as they used to. Sometimes I feel like I’ll still be doing these forever, lol!

        1. I don’t know about other people but I love them so much! It gives me a generall idea of what you like and don’t like and it covers a lot of books in a very quick way. Plus, I always end up finding new stories to add to my tbr!

          1. That’s how I feel, too! Hopefully you’ll like my new blog series coming next week. I am actually retiring this one this coming weekend, but I’m replacing it with something new that I honestly think people will like even more because it will have the opportunity to feature more new and upcoming releases. 🙂

            1. Ohhh! Now I’m so excited to read it! I’m sure I’ll love it, your content is one of my favorite

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