Down the TBR Hole #40

July 29, 2018

Down the TBR Hole was originally created over at Lost in a Story, and is a super fun (and simultaneously productive) tag to help you whittle away at those never-ending TBRs! (By the way, you can click on the covers to go to the Goodreads listings!)

It works like this:

  • Go to your goodreads to-read shelf.
  • Order on ascending date added.
  • Take the first 5 (or 10 or 15 or 20, if you’re feeling adventurous) books
  • Read the synopses of the books
  • Decide: keep it or should it go?
  • Keep track of where you left off so you can pick up there next week!

Current “to-read” shelf: 919 titles

BOOKS 731-735:


In the Woods by Tana French — added 08.31.17
I’ve been really wanting to check her writing out, and I got this one not too long ago, so I’ll definitely be reading it!

The Doll House by Phoebe Morgan — added 08.31.17
I feel so bad, guys. I got this as an eARC last fall and forgot all about it! But it still sounds really interesting, so I’m going to try and fit it into a TBR soon.

UPDATE: I wrote this post a few weeks ago, but since then, I’ve tried reading The Doll House and DNFed it.

As I Descended by Robin Talley — added 09.01.17
I think I’m one of the only queer women in the entire YA fandom who just doesn’t like Robin Talley, but her writing does not work for me and tends to leave me feeling really weird and unhappy, so… no.

The Tea Dragon Society by Katie O’Neill — added 09.01.17
I had an eARC of this last year that the file was corrupted on, and the publisher never got back to my email about it, so I still really want to read it!

The Crowns of Croswald by D.E. Night — added 09.04.17
Okay, this is going to sound petty, but… I was sent this book in a swag box last fall to do promo photos, and while I did the stuff I promised to do (and a giveaway), I never actually read it. I kept saying I would, but now I’m seeing the boxes make their rounds on IG again and I can’t help but think that the book must not be capable of standing on its own if the only marketing it can get is through sending bookstagrammers goody boxes.

BOOKS 736-740:


This Monstrous Thing by Mackenzi Lee — added 09.05.17
I have very mixed feelings about this author (and the fact that she literally had to leave twitter because she couldn’t go a week without saying something incredibly offensive and having to publicly apologize for it), buuuuut her writing is fun and I already own this, so I’ll still give it a try.

The Accident Season by Moira Fowley-Doyle — added 09.06.17
I loved her latest book so much, and I own this, so… WHY HAVE I NOT READ THIS?! (*glances at TBR* oh, right…)

The Dreadful Tale of Prosper Redding by Alexandra Bracken — added 09.09.17
One of my most anticipated releases of 2017, got it as a birthday gift, read the first few chapters and loved them, misplaced the book, found it again a month later, and… I still haven’t finished it. Why am I like this?

The Bazaar of Bad Dreams by Stephen King — added 09.11.17
Funny enough, I just mentioned this one in a Top Ten Tuesday post about my TBR recently! But yes.

Anne Frank Remembered by Miep Gies — added 09.11.17
Oh, just saving this until I feel like dying inside…

BOOKS 741-745:


Soulless by Gail Carriger — added 09.11.17
I have no idea what to make of this book. I’m told it’s like steampunk meets vampires meets werewolves, and the main character literally has no soul? I dunno, it sounds dope and I got it for $3 on my kindle last month (still on sale, FYI).

Like Water by Rebecca Podos — added 09.12.17
This sounds like a really sad and slightly strange queer story, which means, well… yeah.

The Uncrossing by Melissa Eastlake — added 09.13.17
If you guys had any idea how often, while doing these posts, I mutter to myself, “When did I add this…”

Ink and Bone by Rachel Caine — added 09.15.17
I just like books about books, evidently.

Pretty Girl-13 by Liz Coley — added 09.17.17
I only added this because someone kept asking me to, but will I ever actually acquire and/or read it? Doubtful.

BOOKS 746-750:


The Naturalist by Andrew Mayne — added 09.17.17
I think—hope—that this is where I stopped taking Amazon up on the “Kindle First” titles every month. At some point, I realized I just didn’t want to read ANY of them.

The Grace of the Fallen by H.E. Cottrell — added 09.17.17
*clueless* You guys… this book has been out over a year and has 0 reviews and 0 ratings. I don’t even know what to make of it being on my shelf lmao.

Horrorstör by Grady Hendrix — added 09.17.17
I think this is about… a haunted IKEA? Maybe? That’s what I was told. Anyways, I constantly hear that it’s actually SUPER creepy and fun.

Dark County by Kit Tinsley — added 09.17.17
I just have so many of these indie horror anthologies and I’m never going to find the time for all of them.

Just Juliet by Charlotte Reagan — added 09.17.17
Oh, boy. I was super here for this until I saw all the reviews talking about how poorly the token POC characters are treated. Next!





More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

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    1. Souless is one of my co-workers favorite books, and she keeps telling me I need to read it! I really hope you enjoy it! It sounds really interesting! I’m not a huge fan of the cover so I’m hoping to get it from my library some time in the future 😀 If I love it, I might end up buying it! Also really want to read Ink and Bone. I’m glad you’re keeping it on your keep list! It sounds so good!

    1. As I Descended has been on my TBR list for like… 1,272 years, oh man. I DO wanna read it though! But then I get distracted by all the other stuff too, haha.

    1. I feel the same way about The Crowns of Croswald, I won it in a giveaway and my copy is signed but, for all the reasons you mentioned, I doubt I’ll end up ever getting to it.

      1. Right! It’s just… meh. It sounds “meh” haha. That’s all I know to say. I ended up putting it in my unhaul pile for the next time I update my #booksfortrade pics on twitter.

      1. Yes, it’s really sad! 🙁 I gave her the benefit of the doubt the first several times but after it had happened 3 or 4 times in a couple of weeks I realized that, even though it’s probably not intentional, it’s still hurtful that she still doesn’t seem to be thinking through the things that she posts before she does. I was honestly a little bit relieved when the last big backlash happened and she stepped away from twitter altogether. Now her PR person has to approve her tweets before they’re posted, or so I’m told.

        1. So I tried looking it up, and couldn’t find very much. The one controversy I did see seemed like it was done unintentionally, through her own lack of knowledge and she seemed very careful to apologize and explain herself, and commented that she was open to being corrected. Is there anywhere I can read more about the controversy?

          1. I’m sorry, I honestly don’t know. I watched it all happen in real time the last two times it happened, but I do know that she deleted all of the offending tweets each time she was called out. You could ask around on twitter for screenshots and I’m sure someone would have them, but I don’t ever save those kinds of things because I try not to be in the business of trashing authors ?

            1. Fair enough, I knew it was a longshot to ask, lol. I’m not really a Twitter user, so I really have no idea how to use it. The one controversy I did see had to do with a tweet where she said the words “both genders” when referring to someone bisexual (I think?).

            1. Yeah, I believe that was the most recent thing, though I do feel that was unintentional because she did seem VERY apologetic when it was pointed out to her that she was excluding non binary people.

            1. Absolutely, it’s a very easy mistake for people to make if they don’t know. I didn’t know that it was insulting either, until reading the comments on her post. I think people also need to understand that a lot of the terminology about gender/sexuality is still very new to a lot of people, so there’s a bit of a learning curve.

    1. It is a good thing you took off As I Descended. I tried listening to it on audiobook a few months ago and… yikes. For a book filled with queer characters, it is weirdly homophobic. Just in the first 15% or so, there was a comment about how a girl wasn’t “gay enough” to be president of the GSA and a gay male POV character thought two girls who were in a relationship both seemed “too uptight to like pu**y” (censorship mine). I’m not sure if all of Robin Talley’s writing is like that, but I’m not willing to find out…
      On a positive note, Like Water is so cute!! I hope you get to it eventually and end up liking it. 🙂

      1. Oh god, that was 100% my concern with it. The little bit of Robin’s writing I’ve read has all been gross and problematic like that, and I’ve just honestly lost all faith in liking anything by her. 😡 Thank you for warning me so I don’t bother with anything else of hers, either, because it does seem to be a common trend.
        And yay for Like Water! 😀 I don’t hear much about it but what I hear is good so I’ll have to get it soon!

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