Down the TBR Hole #41—FINAL POST & AN UPDATE

August 5, 2018

This is the FINAL Down the TBR Hole post! This Thursday, I’ll have a brand new blog meme for you guys. ♥ Stay tuned!

Down the TBR Hole was originally created over at Lost in a Story, and is a super fun (and simultaneously productive) tag to help you whittle away at those never-ending TBRs! (By the way, you can click on the covers to go to the Goodreads listings!)

It works like this:

  • Go to your goodreads to-read shelf.
  • Order on ascending date added.
  • Take the first 5 (or 10 or 15 or 20, if you’re feeling adventurous) books
  • Read the synopses of the books
  • Decide: keep it or should it go?
  • Keep track of where you left off so you can pick up there next week!

Current “to-read” shelf: 912 titles

BOOKS 751-755:


The Thing with Feathers by MCCall Hoyle — added 09.25.17
Honestly, I only added this for the epilepsy representation, but the first thing I saw in my “friends’ reviews” section was Amber’s review that immediately made me not want to read this. Bad rep, girl-hate, and slut-shaming? Ew.

Calling My Name by Liara Tamani — added 09.25.17
Not to get too specific, but there is an issue in this book that I personally avoid books discussing, for the most part, because it’s very bothersome to my mental health, so I know better than to read this.

The Afterlife of Holly Chase by Cynthia Hand — added 09.25.17
I only added this because of the hype last year, but I really don’t read Christmas-themed books unless they’re weird Christmas horror stories or a very rare cutesy romance.

Eight Days on Planet Earth by Cat Jordan — added 09.25.17
The synopsis sounds cute (a boy falling in love with a girl who says she’s waiting for the aliens to take her back), but I don’t see myself picking it up any time soon.

Little Monsters by Kara Thomas — added 09.25.17
I’m not big on YA mysteries and don’t read them very often, so I’ve basically adopted a rule of removing any of the ones that I don’t own already.

BOOKS 756-760:


Gunslinger Girl by Lyndsay Ely — added 09.25.17
A western/dystopian… two of the genres that I reach for the least often. Nah.

Instructions for a Secondhand Heart by Tamsyn Murray — added 09.25.17
Oh, boy. I’m hesitant to read books with terminally ill MCs to begin with, but a full-spoiler review that I stumbled across not only spoiled the ending (not the reviewer’s fault, I should’ve been more careful skim-reading), but also quoted girl-hate bits that I don’t have the time for.

Penny Dreadful, Vol 1 by Krysty Wilson-Cairns — added 09.25.17
I enjoyed season 1 of the show (I still need to finish it!), but don’t have a pressing need to read about it, too.

Bad Apples by Evans Light — added 09.25.17
I know I always say this, but I just have so many horror anthologies already…

A Stranger in the House by Shari Lapena — added 09.27.17
I was originally really interested in this last fall, but the longer it’s been out, the more reviewers have said it’s more of a “domestic” thriller, and I’m not usually big on those.

BOOKS 761-765:


13 Ways to Midnight by Rue Volley — added 09.27.17
I remember entering a giveaway for this listed under “horror”, but looking at the shelving and reviews, it’s fantasy, and it doesn’t sound great.

The Thief by Megan Whalen Turner — added 09.29.17
I can’t believe I haven’t gotten to this one yet, but I really want to read it before the year is out. I hear such good things about this series, and I already have the first 2 books (thanks, Cathy!).

Beasts of Extraordinary Circumstance by Ruth Emmie Lang — added 10.01.17
Funny story, but this vaguely bizarre-sounding adult magical realism story is one of the only TWO BOTM Club books I’ve ever received that I’m still interested in. (Can you see why I cancelled my subscription?)

Without Merit by Colleen Hoover — added 10.01.17
Oh, man. I know, I know, this one is super polarizing and a lot of people hated it… but a lot of people loved it, too, and I want to try it for myself. Eventually. I already own a few of her other books that are still on my TBR.

The Madman’s Daughter by Megan Shepherd — added 10.03.17
Did someone say “gothic thriller”? Seriously though, this is one I’d probably just grab from the library since its reviews aren’t great, but I’m intrigued.

BOOKS 766-770:


Graveminder by Melissa Marr — added 10.04.17
I actually cannot believe I haven’t read anything by MM yet! I own two of her books, and while this is not high on my priority list at all, I’ll still give it a try.

Countless by Karen Gregory — added 10.05.17
This is a contemporary about a girl with an eating disorder, who learns she’s pregnant, and promises herself to stay clean from her ED only until the baby arrives. As a mom *and* someone with ED experience, this is going to be either amazing or a complete disaster.

Little Peach by Peggy Kern — added 10.05.17
I don’t think I’ve ever read a YA book about sex trafficking, and this sounds very dark, but got rave reviews from a lot of my friends.

After the Fire by Will Hill — added 10.05.17
Something that a lot of people don’t know about me is that I freaking love cult stories, which this is, so sign me up!

The Deviants by C.J. Skuse — added 10.05.17
This sounds like a YA version of a domestic thriller, which is… not really a selling point for me.





More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. Man I haven’t looked at my TBR in a minute; it definitely needs a good trimming.
      Little Peach is worth the read!

      1. It can be really fun to knock some of them out! I shudder to think of how high my Goodreads TBR shelf would be by now if I didn’t purge titles from it sometimes. 🙂 And yay, that makes me happy to hear!

    1. I took everything I didn’t own off my tbr shelf on goodreads. A relieving feeling, right? Do you recommend the Penny Dreadful show? I’m looking for a new series to binge:) x

      1. Oh wow, way to go! I bet that was a relieving feeling. 🙂
        If you like gothic horror with gratuitous amounts of sex and blood, then YES. ? Seriously, there’s a lot going on in that series, but I tremendously enjoy it.

    1. 912 on your TR shelf is impressive! I think I need to take a leaf out of your book and trim mine down, especially since I always add to mine after reading your TBR posts! ?

    1. You are MUCH better than me at removing books from your TBR – well done!
      I was really glad to see that you’ve kept Countless, Little Peach and After the Fire because I enjoyed all three for very different reasons. They are all very powerful reads! I’ll be looking out to see what you think 🙂

    1. Can you message me about Calling My Name? I’ve had this on my TBR for a while.
      Also, I can’t wait for your thoughts on Without Merit. I have come to the conclusion that Colleen Hoover is not an author that I can read.

      1. Hey girl! If you were curious about why I won’t be reading it, it’s because reviewers are saying it is very heavy on the Christianity rep and that most of the book is actually about the main character coming from a strict religious home and having very strict religious views for her own life. Since I was raised in a very strict religious home and was left honestly traumatized by a lot of what happened to me in church settings, I don’t read books with strict Christian MCs because it actually gives me really bad anxiety. 🙁 Is that what you were wondering about? If not, text me! ♥

      1. Bahahah thank you for your honesty! I’ll be honest too and say that it’s one of those things that I love reading *from people I care a lot about* or have a lot in common with, but when it comes to bloggers I barely know or don’t share similar reading tastes with, I usually just keep scrolling. ?

    1. You were absolutely brutal with removing books! I’ve loved this meme from you, so I’m excited to see what comes next ??

    1. !!!! Read Beasts of Extraordinary Circumstance, especially if you already have a copy! I read an eARC of it and loved it. 🙂

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