Down the TBR Hole #4

October 28, 2017

Down the TBR Hole was originally created over at Lost in a Story, and is a super fun (and simultaneously productive) tag to help you whittle away at those never-ending TBRs! (By the way, you can click on the covers to go to the Goodreads listings!)

I decided to do 10 books per post instead of 5, otherwise we will literally never finish this meme series. EVER.

It works like this:

  • Go to your goodreads to-read shelf.
  • Order on ascending date added.
  • Take the first 5 (or 10 if you’re feeling adventurous) books
  • Read the synopses of the books
  • Decide: keep it or should it go?
  • Keep track of where you left off so you can pick up there next week!

Current “to-read” shelf: 992 titles

Book 26:


Date added to shelf: Dec 13, 2014


Haunted is an anthology of sorts (it’s complicated), and I’ve actually started this book three times and keep forgetting to finish it. I think my mother is currently “borrowing” it (by that, I mean it’s sitting on her shelf because she got bored), but I keep meaning to get it back from her and finally finish it.

The judgement: KEEP

Book 27:


Date added to shelf: Dec 13, 2014

I haven’t heard that many reviews on this one, which is weird, since it has almost 200k ratings on GR, with a 4.02 avg. That said, it doesn’t really sound that interesting to me. I’ll remove it for now, but if any of you think I should add it back, convince me!

The judgement: REMOVE

Book 28:


Date added to shelf: Dec 13, 2014

A poetry collection from Tyler Knott Gregson, whom I love, but whose work I have read mostly all of online. Since the description even says these are some of his most popular works, I’ll assume there’s not enough new content to justify picking this one up.

The judgement: REMOVE

Book 29:


Date added to shelf: Dec 13, 2014

I have such mixed feelings on this book! Out of 600k ratings, it’s sitting at a 4.11, which feels weird, since most of my friends have trashed this book from one end to the other due to racism and I think ableism? I wasn’t keen on it to begin with, but after having the ending spoiled for me recently, I have basically zero interest.

The judgement: REMOVE

Book 30:


Date added to shelf: Dec 13, 2014

Kids with cancer falling in love? Sounds familiar. Honestly… I’ve got enough sad contemporary titles on my TBR as it is.

The judgement: REMOVE

Book 31:


Date added to shelf: Dec 13, 2014

This appears to be a run-of-the-mill “road trip” contemporary, and I seem to be on a warpath with the contemporary titles today, so… let’s keep it rollin’! This one just doesn’t intrigue me (none of Morgan Matson’s books do).

The judgement: REMOVE

Book 32:


Date added to shelf: Dec 13, 2014

A story about a boy who has decided to embark on a murder/suicide mission. How delightful! Honestly, though, so many of my trusted friends have raved about this book, and I do already own it, so…

The judgement: KEEP

Book 33:


Date added to shelf: Dec 13, 2014 (damn, I was busy)

I KNOW this series is supposedly cheesy AF, but I don’t even care. I would read Maggie’s shopping lists.

The judgement: KEEP

Book 34:


Date added to shelf: Dec 13, 2014

Bird Box is about a mother and two children who are hiding from some sort of evil outside of their home that they can’t look at; to go outside, they must be blindfolded. This story is about that family’s escape mission. Any horror stories with children involved are automatically super anxiety-inducing for me, as a paranoid and overly empathetic mother myself, but I hear this one’s really good.

The judgement: KEEP

Book 35:


Date added to shelf: Dec 14, 2014

I feel like I have had this book sitting on my shelf, staring at me, forever (realistically, since a few months after it released, I’d guess), and I just haven’t had the nerve to pick it up because I’ve been burned by memoirs before when it comes to celebrities I love. I’m told that the audiobook is way better than the print book, so I’m actually probably going to try that, but for all intents and purposes:

The judgement: KEEP


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. I considered ‘Station Eleven’ as well but ended up deleting it from my wishlist as well. Didn’t sound too interesting to me anymore..
      I have a sample of ‘Bird Box’ on my Kindle! Sounds super scary!

    1. I have to read those Shiver-books still!
      I have three of them. But then I found out there’s a fourth one?
      Like, why did I buy a BOX with three of them in it to discover there’s a fourth one that WASN’T in the box? I’ve been giving it the stink-eye ever since.. Pretty sure I’ll be ignoring those books until I get my hands on the fourth so I can read them in one go, haha.

    1. I really liked Haunted, but I also read it sometime in high school so I have noooo idea how it would hold up for me now. I also adored Eleanor & Park, but I read it without a critical eye and while I was severely depressed and taking a medical leave from work so like… it was one of those books that really impacted me due to the circumstances I was in?? And I don’t even remember anything else about it except that it was Very Sad, haha.

    1. You got rid of so many, proud of you!
      When I get to the contemporary patch in my TBR I’ll probably be taking the warpath as well, I have a hard time with contemporaries so they have to be pretty intriguing for me to keep them. What I need is a post of “Contemporaries for people who hate contemporaries”!

      I laughed so hard at your reason for keeping Shiver! I’m going to keep it as well because like you said it might be cheesy but I’m still going to read it! I’m also happy you kept Bird Box because that one sounds really good in my opinion so I’d love to see what you think of it!
      Same with Forgive Me, Leonard Peacock! 🙂

    1. I was the same way before reading Morgan Matson, but I do recommend! I decided to pick two of her books up so far and they have both been 5 star reads! They go deeper than a teen love story. It is a matter of taste, though!

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