The End of Summer Book Tag

September 17, 2020

Happy Tag Thursday, friends!

I grabbed this one from Maggie over at Storme Reads A Lot! If you aren’t following them, you absolutely should be. Not only are they just an all-around incredible person, but they also write some of the most insightful reviews! ♥

I, for one, am so happy to say goodbye to summer. As someone who lives in the deep south and hates being hot with a passion, summer is easily my least favorite season, but fall is my favorite, so… good riddance!

1. What was your favorite book this summer?


I didn’t think this would be an easy decision until I remembered that it was over the summer that I picked up the incredible upcoming installment to the Wayward Children series, Across the Green Grass Fields. I still haven’t managed to formulate my thoughts into a coherent review, but know that I adored this book with every fiber of my being. ♥

2. What was your least favorite book this summer?

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Sadly, this one was an easy pick, too, because I hated this book! The Housemates had so much potential and ended up being an absolute problematic mess with nothing new or inspiring to offer.

3. What book do you wish you read this summer?


House of Earth and Blood! I had it on my summer TBR and did pick it up and get a little ways into it, but I didn’t finish it because I got a little overwhelmed with too many current reads at once and basically dumped everything that wasn’t an ARC.

4. What was your favorite classic you read this summer?

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I actually read this one back in spring, so it wasn’t during the summer, but it’s the only classic I’ve read all year, so I’ve decided it counts. I had a lot of fun reading Persuasion with Ellyn!

5. Did you stray into a different genre and pick up a new and exciting book?

Er… no, not really. 😂 I already read pretty much any and all genres, so it’s rare that I pick up anything that strikes me as being super “different” from my usual reading styles!

6. What was your favorite movie adaptation this summer?

This question actually made me realize I haven’t seen any adaptations that I enjoyed this summer! Sad day. 😖 Feel free to comment a recommendation! (Unless your recommendation is the adaptation for I’m Thinking of Ending Things, which I hated.)

7. What was your favorite new book release?

I cannot, and I refuse!, to pick just one favorite. 😠

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… okay, fine, I’ll pick. Take a Hint, Dani Brown.

I’m feeling particularly lazy (sorry!) and in a hurry, so I’m just going to tag anyone who wants to participate!


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. Lovely post!! (: I keep meaning to reread House of Earth and Blood but ugh it’s a hefty one. Also, loved Dani Brown too!! I can’t wait for Eve’s story ♥

    1. Every time I ready your blog I find something else to add to my TBR. At this point, my pile is a mountain and that’s partially your fault. ?

    1. House of Earth and Blood sounds so so good! I’ve heard so many great things and I really want to see how I like it compared to Maas’ other work 🙂 Great post!

    1. I too cannot wait for summer to do one! Bring on the cooler days, dark evenings and warm fires and blankets! Totally stealing this tag if thats ok?!!

    1. I’m with you all the way: I hate summer and I’m SO ready for the colder weather to return with fall ? So happy to see that you enjoyed Across the Green Grass Fields, I’m currently still reading the series so I’m caught up when this book comes out ?

Say hello! ♥

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