The Fall Reading Book Tag!

October 11, 2018

When Kaya did this tag a few days ago, it looked like so much fun that I had to borrow it from her! It was originally created by the Bionic Bookworm!

Fall is my favorite time of the year, even though living here in Georgia (USA), we don’t exactly get much of a fall. My dream is to someday move to a part of the country that actually gets all four seasons (all of my New England and northeast peninsula friends are always bragging to me about how stunning their fall is every year!).

But, I digress. I was going to save this tag for later this month, but I walked outside this afternoon and was hit with a gorgeous, crisp autumn breeze for the first time, this year, and knew I had to go ahead and make a cup of tea, put on some autumnal music, and do this one today. ??

crisp fall air.png

Definitely gotta go with the Danielle Cain series by Margaret Killjoy for this one. It’s a series of horror/fantasy novellas with super diverse characters, and a lot of really cool elements I don’t see elsewhere much, if ever (like a hitchhiking punk-anarchist queer lady as a protagonist, and a creepy three-antlered deer that dishes out punishment on abusers).

howling winds.png

If you’ve read the first book in The Raven Cycle, you know that the series opens by telling you something that’s supposed to happen. I, like most readers, spent the entire series waiting for/dreading that event, but the ending of this book threw a twist into the works that I did not expect at all, and I loved it so much.

leaf fight

Actually, I’m gonna go with the entire Illuminae Files trilogy for this. There’s so much action in this series, and never a dull moment, if you ask me!

comfy sweaters

I realized, while answering this question, that I don’t read very many happy books. ? So, I might be cheating a little here, but I’m going with one of the spin-off short stories from the Captive Prince series. This short story is intended to be read after the 3rd book, and it wraps everything up. It is so gooey, and fluffy, and sweet, and it made me cry happy tears, like… a lot.

bright colors.png

I mean, can we talk about how great this cover is? *wistful sigh* Skulls and flowers, talk about my brand. (Also, this duology is SO much fun.)

pumpkin spice.png

I decided not to include any ARCs I already have, but if I were including those, I’d also name In an Absent Dream, Dear Heartbreak, and A Curse So Dark and Lonely.

I tag anyone who’s interested in filling this out! ♥ Please link back here so I can read your answers!



More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. Ooo great tag! And The Raven King looks awesome. May have to add that to my own (enormous) TBR! And steal this tag… it’s too good not to…

    1. Love this tag! I’m definitely going to do this one! I can’t wait for King of Scars and the Wicked King either! <3

    1. I couldn’t agree more about The Illuminae Files, such a tense and action packed series?

    1. omggg this is such a nice and pretty tag <3 yay i love fall. & i so agree at The Raven King! that book blew me away. also…i am so excited for King of Scars i can hardly stand it

    1. Lovely answers for this tag! <3 I really liked The Raven King just as well and the series as a whole, such a brilliant series. I also liked Illuminae and how, yes, it was non-stop action, I wasn't bored once while reading it 😀

    1. I always get so confused by this fall trend on social media at the moment because it’s spring in the southern hemisphere ? i love your answers!

      1. Bahaha I always forget it’s spring there! A few days ago an Aussie booktuber I follow posted her “winter wrap up” and I legit went “wait WHAT” for a split second before I remembered!

      1. Ooooh, yes, I’ve heard the colors are gorgeous up there! Whoa, that blows my mind a little that it was 80 up there yesterday, though! We actually got a VERY sudden cold snap last night and it’s pretty crisp outside. I’m wearing long sleeves for the first time and I am soooo pleased and cozy. ?

    1. Ah, Vengeance Road cover is beautiful! <3
      I finally got Illuminae as well, hopefully will have some time this weekend to start reading it!

      1. The Raven King was so good. <3 So wholesome and pure and just… *wistful sigh* And yesss, I'm really hoping Wicked Saints and King of Scars help us kick 2019 off the right way. 😀

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