The Fall Time, Cozy Time Book Tag

September 24, 2020

Happy Tag Thursday, friends!

I was tagged in this one by Caro over at The Book Cheshirecat! Caro has such a fun blog and is so lovely, so if you aren’t following The Book Cheshirecat, please go fix that! ♥ I’m so excited to do this tag, because it means it’s finally FALL! This tag was originally created by Sam’s Nonsense over on booktube.

1. CRUNCHING LEAVES: the world is full of color! Choose a book with red/orange/yellow on the cover.

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Let’s go with a recent 5-star read: The House on Abigail Lane! Look at that yellow! 😍

2. COZY SWEATER: it’s finally cool enough for warm cozy clothing! What book gives you the warm fuzzies?

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How about a forever fave? A Girl Like Her literally never gets old and is one of the greatest comfort reads of all time — which is why I’m about to do a full Ravenswood series re-read!

3. FALL STORM: the wind is howling & the rain is pounding. Choose a book that you like to read on a stormy day:


Stormy weather is my favorite weather for reading ANYTHING, but especially gothic stories like The Haunting of Hill House! It’s the perfect atmosphere for a claustrophobic, cozy, eerie tale.

4. COOL CRISP AIR: makes you breathe freely~ Who’s the coolest character you’d want to trade places with?

Ooh, that’s a tough one because so many of the books I read features characters I would never want to trade places with! 😂 I honestly don’t know… I’d rather just read about them! What a boring answer, I’m sorry 🙈

5. HOT APPLE CIDER: warm autumn drink. What underhyped book do you want to see become the next biggest, hottest thing?


I’ll go with a current read that I’m not seeing nearly enough excitement about, and that’s The Ghost Tree — it’s so spooky and feminist and delightful, and I feel like I don’t hear a ton of chatter about most of Christina Henry’s books in general, but especially this one.

6. COAT, SCARVES, & MITTENS: the weather has turned cold & it’s time to cover up! What’s a book cover you don’t like?


I feel bad about this one because I LOVED this book so much when I read it recently, but I don’t think the cover does it justice… and that’s The Roommate. It’s such an incredible book, but I really hate the artwork style of the characters on the cover, I hate Josh’s super “manspread”-y pose on the couch (which is so not like him AT ALL?!), and I hate the pink-on-pink color combo. I’d never buy a print copy unless I ordered the UK cover (which is below, and honestly way better).

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7. PUMPKIN SPICE: time for some Starbucks! What’s your favorite fall comfort food?

(image from unsplash)

I will shamelessly admit that I adore almost ANYTHING pumpkin, cinnamon, or apple cider flavored, and I refuse to let anyone make me feel bad for it! That’s a rant for another day, though. 😂

8. WARM, COZY BONFIRE: spread the cozy warmth! Who do you tag?

How about Reg, Bex, Melanie, Maggie, Evelyn, and anyone else who wants to do this tag? No pressure, loves! 🍁🍂


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. Ahh thank you for the kind words about my blog ? Also so happy to see you do this Tag!! I definitely need to finally read some Talia Hibbert books! I also really need to try out a pumpkin pie, as I never had one before ??

    1. Yay! I am so happy that it’s finally that time of the year for festive, fall tags! I totally agree on the cover for The Roommate. The people look awkwardly posed and the colors are a bit much. Also the couch is so random lol it looks like a botched photoshop job ?

    1. I’m sensing another book tag I need to participate in! ? One of these days, I just need to sit down with you and have you pick out four books that you really love for my tbr!

    1. Oh yay thank you for tagging me! I can’t wait to do this one. The House on Abigail Lane looks so good. I’ve only read one thing by Kealan Patrick Burke and I really need to read more. Also I was about to look up the UK cover of The Roommate and then I realized you posted it.

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