Tag Time: “I’ll Get Around to it Later!”

May 10, 2023

It’s time for the “I’ll Get Around to It Later” book tag!

I saw Dini over at dinipandareads do this tag and I had to do it, too! I feel like I hadn’t seen this tag before and it’s a really fun one!

🌸 Rules:

  1. Link back to the original post at Quote, Unquote so the creator can read your answers.
  2. Link back to the post of the person who tagged you and thank them.
  3. You may use the included graphic anywhere in your post, but you don’t have to.
  4. Fill in all seven categories.
  5. You can either leave this tag open so anyone can do it or tag up to seven people.

1. A Classic book that you have been meaning to read forever but haven’t yet:

This one’s easy: Frankenstein! I’ve been meaning to read it ever since I was a kid, but have never gotten around to it. It even made the cut for my “35 books to read by 35” list, so hopefully I’ll pick it up during the next 4 and a half years. 🤣

2. A book on your shelf that you haven’t read yet:

Oh gosh, I have so many… I’ll pick one that I’m surprised I haven’t read yet, despite owning it for a few years now, which is King of Scars.

3. A book that you got recently that you haven’t read:

My most recent new haul was Fourth Wing, which I’m hoping to start a buddy read of some time in the next week or so!

4. A book that you’ve had forever but haven’t read:

The Bone Witch: I pre-ordered it and was SO hyped for its release, but didn’t read it and still haven’t. It was the first book in my life that I ever pre-ordered and didn’t start reading the day it arrived!

5. A book a friend recommended that you haven’t read:

Bless… I have to go with The Shadow of What Was Lost, which is the first book in my spouse’s favorite series, and they’ve been recommending it to me for years, but it just hasn’t happened yet. I know, for shame!

6. A book you’re procrastinating on:

Darkdawnpresumably because I fully expect it to hurt me. 💔

7. The next book on your TBR:

Other than finishing some current reads, the next book I plan on starting is Shock Waves by Matt Kurtz! The author sent me a copy a week or two ago and it looks AMAZING. I actually already read the first chapter yesterday and was quickly getting sucked in, plus I think it’ll be a really quick read.

💖 TAGS 💖

If you see this, TAG, you’re it!



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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. I have yet to read Frankenstein of King of Scars. I actually own the King of Scars duology but for some reason I keep putting it off.

    1. This is such a fun tag! I’m forever looking at the books on my shelf and saying I’ll get around to them later, so I think I might have to do this post myself. I’m seeing Fourth Wing absolutely everywhere lately, so I hope you enjoy it!

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