Tag Time: The Last Book I…

June 17, 2022

It’s time for the The Last Book I… book tag!

I grabbed this tag from Dini! I absolutely adore Dini’s blog, so if you aren’t following, you absolutely should be!

1. The last book I bought:

I’ll go with my last ebook and my last physical book purchased: I grabbed The Clown Hunt by Judith Sonnet on my Kindle yesterday, and I ordered a hardback copy of Sundial by Catriona Ward the day before!

2. The last book I borrowed:

The last book I borrowed was probably the audiobook of The Death of Jane Lawrence by Caitlin Starling, which I borrowed about a week ago but haven’t started listening to yet.

3. The last book I was gifted:

I think the last book I was gifted was Sweat and Soap, Vol. 10 from Malka, which was so sweet! ♥ Malka is honestly one of the nicest people in this whole freaking community and I love her a ton.

4. The last book I started:

I think it was My Best Friend’s Exorcism by Grady Hendrix, which I started a couple of days ago and am hoping to finish today.

5. The last book I finished:

Sundial by Catriona Ward, which I IMMEDIATELY ordered a finished copy of because it was that good. 🥰

6. The last book I rated 5 stars:

This one also goes to Sundial!

7. The last book I DNF’d:

I had to peek at last month’s list because I haven’t DNF’d anything this month, but it was volume 2 of the Fangirl manga.

8. The last book I listened to:

Dustborn by Erin Bowman! I didn’t love the narration and don’t think it did the story any favors, sadly.

💖 TAGS 💖

I’m not sure who has done this tag already, but anyone who would like to do it is tagged now!



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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. Ohwow! The clown hurt looks intense.. but good? I remember that time, man if we’d knew how much worst it wouldve went down from there.. take me back ? such a « nice » twist to the story we know!

    1. YAY! So glad that you did this one ? Sundial looks a step out of my comfort zone but it also has such an awesome cover that it makes me want to give it a try anyway. It sounds amazing! Great answers, Destiny!

    1. This was such a fun way to see a snapshot of your reading! Also there might be another book heading your way actually! (Although I think I messed up with this one, but I’ll find out soon enough I guess!)

    1. Oooh what a fun tag and I loved seeing your answers! Having just read and loved The Luminous Dead, I am very excited to read Sundial and hear your thoughts on The Death of Jane Lawrence.

      1. Thank you! It was such a fun and unique tag to do. ♥ Sundial, ahhhh, so good! Though, I unfortunately didn’t finish Jane Lawrence, but it’s back on my TBR for another time. I definitely want to give it another chance! I think I may try TLD before giving Jane another chance, though, because something in my gut tells me TLD will be more up my alley. ?

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