The Spring Has Sprung Book Tag

April 25, 2019

It’s time for another round of Tag Thursday! I haven’t done one of these in a while, and wow, do I have a lot of tags to catch up on. ? This lovely little tag came courtesy of Bookish Paige!


1. F L ? W E R S →

look on your bookshelves. what is the most beautiful book both inside and out?
This is such a tough call! If it was just outside, I’d say Strange the Dreamer — I was lucky enough to grab a UK hardback while they were in print and it’s stunning! — but inside, too? Proooobably my UK hardback of Nevernight.

2. G R A S S ? →

what is a book that you find others like way more than you do?
Anything by Becky Albertalli. ?

3. ☔ R A I N →

what’s a great book that lifts your spirits when you’re down?
There are a few that could fit the bill on this one, but I’ll go with A Girl Like Her by Talia Hibbert. It never gets old and it never fails to cheer me up when I need it!
A Girl Like Her by Talia Hibbert

4. D E W ? →

what’s a book that made you feel alive?
I’m going to echo Paige’s answer and go with The Raven Boys for this one. It’s such a gorgeous, surreal story and it honestly feels magical every time I read it. I just started a series reread because I’ve been missing my Cabeswater babies and I am so excited. ♥

5. S T ? R M S →

what’s a book that you found unpredictable?
I’m honestly extremely hard to surprise when it comes to books; in fact, I can’t remember the last time a plot twist genuinely shocked me. That said, I finished The Dark Game recently and there were definitely a few points where I had no idea who was going to die next (because, seriously, the body counts are HIGH AS HELL in Jonathan Janz’s books!).

6. R A I N B ? W →

what was a book that you struggled with, only to be happy that you read it in the end?
And I Darken is the first one that always comes to mind. The first 70% or so of the book is honestly pretty boring, but I loved the end and loved the second book. Unfortunately, the trilogy finale, Bright We Burn, was one of the most disappointing reads of the year for me and I regretted even bothering, so… can I really say I’m happy I didn’t DNF the first book? Hmm… ?

7. C H I L L Y ❄ W E A T H E R →

what’s a book you couldn’t finish or didn’t enjoy?
Oooh, I’m sad to say this one, but I recently DNFed Rayne & Delilah’s Midnite Matinee because I hated the main characters so much, it made me second-guess all of my desires to read anything else by Jeff Zentner. (I’m sure I’ll still try The Serpent King since I own it, but… yeah.) It sucked because it sounded so on brand for me with the horror movie themes, but I absolutely loathed it.

8. W A R M ? W E A T H E R →

what’s a book that you loved and wanted more of?
I’m going to pick a short story for this one, and it’s The Summer Palace by C.S. Pacat. It takes place a few months after the end of Kings Rising and I think about it all the time and constantly find myself wishing it was AT LEAST 300 pages longer. ?

9. G R E E N ? →

what’s a book you haven’t read yet, but really want to?
A pretty new release, Wounds by Nathan Ballingrud. It’s a collection of short stories and is his first major release since 2013, I think? I pre-ordered it but haven’t had the chance yet with all of my current reads weighing down on me. ?

10. P ? N K →

what’s a book in which you felt a strong connection to the characters?
The most recent one was That Kind of Guy (I know, another Talia Hibbert book?!). Zach, the hero of the book, is demisexual and has recently realized it. I’m not demisexual, but he talks about his history of sleeping with people just to please them and basically performing self-harm and self-neglect through sex, and without going into too many sordid details, I’ll just say that I freakin’ FELT that and it meant a lot to me to see it put into words.

t a g s:

Sionna | Bex | SamKal | Meeghan | Louise | Marija | Shelbi | Samantha | Bee



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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. I’m so jealous you got a Nevernight UK edition! I preordered Darkdawn UK edition so I’m really hoping that the first two books are reprinted in the UK covers because obviously I can’t have one and not the other two!

    1. AWE THANK YOU FOR THE TAG DESTINY! Everytime I waddle to your side of the web I chide myself for not reading Talia yet. Like I got the ARC of That Kind of Guy but ya girl has been hardcore procrastinating like it aint no ones business! LMAO Glad you found another you hold dearly tho!

    1. I haven’t read Strange the Dreamer yet (ha, yet another popular title that’s collecting dust in my digital library ?), but I seriously want to marry it’s cover. It’s just SO PRETTY! The cover for Nevernight is also captivating, but I don’t know what it looks like inside! Consider me intrigued!
      And the Raven Boys is too precious for words. I love that series so much! ❤️

      1. Strange the Dreamer is one of those books I’m scared to read because what if I don’t love it as much as I think I will?! ? But, yes to The Raven Cycle, too precious for words indeed. <3

    1. OMG yes to like, all of your books that I have read above. (And is it just me, or are more people hating on Albertalli than is necessary?? I love her books.)

    1. oooh, i feel ya with becky albertalli! i love simon with my whole heart and soul but every book since then has just been a disappointment. especially what if it’s us… which just, was a whole lot of nope for me and maybe my least favourite book of the year

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