The Wanderlust Tag

May 16, 2019

It’s time for another round of Tag Thursday! I was tagged in this one by both Siobhan and Laura Beth. Thank you both! ♥

The Rules

  • Mention the creator of the tag and link back to original post [Alexandra @ Reading by Starlight]
  • Thank the blogger who tagged you
  • Answer the 10 questions below using any genre
  • Tag 5+ friends


1. secrets & lies →

a book set in a sleepy small town
This one was easy; the first thing that immediately came to mind was The Raven Boys, set in the quiet, magical little town of Henrietta.

2. salt & sand →

a book with a beachside community
Most (if not all) of Sarah Dessen’s books. Not all of them mention the beach, but seeing as they seem to take place in the same general region, with the characters popping up in novels other than their own, I’m assuming they’re all beach towns. ?

3. here there be dragons →

a book with a voyage on the high seas
I almost stole Siobhan’s answer (To Kill a Kingdom), but instead, let’s go with Song of the Dead by Sarah Glenn Marsh. It’s the second book in the Reign of the Fallen duology, and it involves plenty of ship-sailing.

4. tread lightly →

a book set down a murky river or a jungle
I’m not sure if I’ve ever skipped a tag question just because I couldn’t think of anything, but I legit CAN’T THINK OF ANYTHING RIGHT NOW. ? It could be due to sleep deprivation as I’m writing this post, but honestly, everything I think of, I then realize, “Wait, no, that was a lake,” or “Oh, no, those were woods, not a forest“…

5. frozen wastes →

a book with a frostbitten atmosphere
Technically, Thirteen Chairs is a horror short story collection with a quiet subplot weaving them together, and only one of the stories counts for this, but it features an Arctic setting that’s super atmospheric and pretty chilling.

6. the boonies →

a book with rough or isolated terrain
Empire of Sand had a pretty disastrous desert setting through most of the story. Sadly, the book overall wasn’t a big win for me (I think I gave it 3.5 at the time, and that feels overly generous now), but I did enjoy the descriptions of the desert.

7. hinterlands & cowboys →

a book with a western-esque setting
This one isn’t out yet, but it releases in September and you absolutely need it on your radar: Stage Dreams! It’s a western graphic novel with a precious f/f romance and some wonderful trans rep, and I really loved it a lot. ♥

8. look lively →

a book across sweeping desert sands
Whoops, could’ve saved Empire of Sands for this one. ? Instead, I’ll steal Mirage, Siobhan’s answer. It was one of my favorite fantasy reads of 2018 and I’m so ready for more!

9. wild and untamed →

a book set in the heart of the woods
It doesn’t fit every single story in the collection, but my favorites from The Language of Thorns all had woodland settings. What a gorgeous damn piece of art. ♥

10. wildest dreams →

a whimsical book shrouded in magic
Pilu of the Woods by Mai K. Nguyen, which is whimsical as heck and is also possibly my favorite graphic novel of all time. It’s a middle grade fantasy about a little girl who gets lost in the woods and befriends a woodland spirit, and it is stunning and precious. It also made me sob so hard my ribs hurt for the rest of the day, but in a good way, you know?

t a g s:

Cassie | Kal | Bex | Rachel | Amanda



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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

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