The Weekly Wrap — January 1st, 2020!

January 1, 2020

The Weekly Wrap is a new post I’ll be doing every week where we’ll talk about current reads, recently finished reads, what I’m listening to, games I’m playing, movies I’m watching, and general life stuff. ♥ If you’re a fan of my past WWW Wednesday & The Sunday Post updates, you’ll love this combination of the two!



on the blog:

last week: this week:
2020 TBR & resolutions
december haul
#ARCApocalypse TBR
top 10 reads of 2019
✨ january TBR
✨ state of the ARC
✨ december wrap
✨ five-star predictions


current reads:

  1. Ghoster
  2. Capturing the Devil
  3. Gideon the Ninth
  4. Ghostland

recently finished:

  1. 10 Blind Dates ⭐⭐⭐⭐?
  2. Carcass ⭐⭐⭐⭐
  3. Say Cheese and Die! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (reread)
  4. Dine with Me ❌ (DNF)
  5. Taylor Before and After ❌ (DNF)
  6. Dead Meat: Day 3 ⭐⭐⭐⭐?

up next:

I need to knock out some, if not all, of these current reads, and I’m also starting several buddy reads this week! I have today off plus a 3-day weekend coming up, so I’m hoping to have plenty of reading time.

  1. A Heart So Fierce and Broken
  2. The God Game
  3. All Systems Red (reread)
  4. Rafe
  5. Dark Lover
  6. The Ten Thousand Doors of January
  7. The Twisted Ones


new review arrivals:

  • e-arcs:
  • print arcs:
  • audio arcs:

No new review copies this week! That’s definitely for the best and I actually sorta hope I have more haul-free weeks in my near future. ? Just until I can get caught up a bit!


what I watched:

? No movies this week, just TV!
Evil (2019) — season 1, episodes 1-5 (I’m obsessed with this show right now?!)
I Am a Killer (2018) — season 1, episodes 1-4 (This is a pretty intriguing docu-series my spouse and I got into this week.)

what I’m listening to:

? No music, just more audiobooks this week!

what I’m playing:

? I was so busy, I don’t think I played anything this week!


life updates:

HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope 2020 brings you all the best in life. ♥ My only big update for the week is that I posted my very first booktube video! You can find it here — it’s not anything amazing by any means, but I’m pretty pleased with it and I really can’t wait to get more involved with my new channel. The warm welcome I received absolutely blew me away and I am so, so grateful!


a few last words:




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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. happy new year, destiny!! i’m in love with this new format.

      and uhh, you’re booktube video is something amazing. it was wonderful! and i’m so excited to see your channel grow

      good job on having a haul free week! what a great start to the year ?

      i’m so freaking excited for a heart so fierce & broken, hope you adore it as much as a curse so dark & lonely

    1. Happy New Year, Destiny!

      How far into CTD are you? I started it last year but never finished it, we should motivate eachother to finish it!

    1. I love your new weekly wrap posts <3 Would you mind if I joined in with them as well? I really like how it combines all of the elements I like of WWW Wednesday and The Sunday Post but in one digestible form and, I think, it also looks like a great planning tool for blog content.

    1. Hey, congrats on the video. I subscribed to your channel. I can’t wait to see your future videos! ❤

      1. Thank you so much. It’s something I’d been wanting to do for so long and finally had to just force myself to try it. It was so nerve-wracking to film, edit, and upload that first video, but I think I’ve posted 5 videos so far and it seems like each one feels a little less surreal! I’m starting to feel a little like I “belong” on booktube, which I expected to take so much longer than just a month, so it has been much more pleasant of an experience than I assumed it would be. 🙂

Say hello! ♥

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