The Weekly Wrap — January 22nd, 2020

January 22, 2020

The Weekly Wrap is a new post I’ll be doing every week where we’ll talk about current reads, recently finished reads, what I’m listening to, games I’m playing, movies I’m watching, and general life stuff. ♥ If you’re a fan of my past WWW Wednesday & The Sunday Post updates, you’ll love this combination of the two!


on the blog:

last week: this week:
✨ review: till the score is paid
✨ review: unfuck your habitat
✨ winter TBR jar
✨ review: the god game
✨ january haul


current reads:

  1. Capturing the Devil
  2. Gideon the Ninth
  3. Ghostland
  4. Seven Deadly Shadows

recently finished:

  1. Credence ⭐⭐⭐⭐?
  2. Ghoster ❌
  3. Till the Score is Paid ?????
  4. Unfuck Your Habitat ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
  5. The God Game ⭐
  6. The Twisted Ones ⭐⭐⭐⭐

up next:

I finally feel like I’m back in a reading groove! *knocks on wood* 
I did remove a couple of things from my original January TBR, but I still have really big hopes for the next 9 days. Not only am I hoping to finish my current reads, but I’d also like to at least start (if not finish) these. I know it’s a lot — I calculated it up and I’d have to average over 400 pages per day for the rest of this month to finish everything I want to read, which probably won’t happen, because that’s a little outrageous for me! — but I figure, what the hell, aim high. ?

  1. Foul is Fair
  2. Bent Heavens
  3. The Shadows Between Us
  4. Loveboat, Taipei
  5. Burn the Dark
  6. Jane Anonymous
  7. Red Hood
  8. Lucky Caller
  9. All Systems Red (reread)
  10. Dark Lover


new review arrivals:

  • e-arcs:
    • The Last Heist
  • print arcs:
  • audio arcs:

Only one ARC this week, not bad! It’s a romance novella so I feel like it’ll be a very quick read, too.


what I watched:

? Nothing this week! This was more of a reading and gaming week.

what I’m listening to:

? I’m 1000000% back on my Hozier and Flora Cash bullshit.

what I’m playing:

I decided to expand my “replay the entire Delicious series” goal into playing/replaying the entire GameHouse Originals collection. No, I don’t know what’s wrong with me, but it’s been really mindless and fun and nostalgic. ?

? Mortimer Beckett and the Secrets of Spooky Manor
? Mortimer Beckett and the Time Paradox
? Mortimer Beckett and the Lost King


life updates:

Not a bad week! Getting back into the swing of the semester has been tough as usual, but it helps to know it’s my last semester. Even though I’m stressed as hell about the idea of graduating and facing down agonizing levels of student loan debt, there’s definitely something comforting about the idea of saying goodbye to school (hopefully forever!). I’ve been in school practically my whole life (no, really) and frankly, ya girl is tired and has paid her dues. The sicknesses that have been plaguing our house lately have mostly dissipated, we’ve been working on some cleaning and de-cluttering around here, and work has been chill… I really can’t complain.


a few last words:




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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. I hope you can read at least most of what you want!


    1. I’m glad you enjoyed The Twisted Ones, I added it to my TBR a while ago and I’m saving it for when it’s cold where I live, for some reason I like reading that kind of book during cold weather, with a blanket and coffee. ❤️✨ (I’m in summer now… Save me ?)
      Have a beautiful day, love ?

    1. Hey nice post, enjoyable wrap-up. Can’t say any of the books are on my radar but I hope your high reading hopes are close to attainable. 😀 Loving those last word quotes, both of them. Perfect! Thanks so much for sharing and good luck with your goals! (You’re not alone in cleaning/de-cluttering. 😉 )

    1. Yay! I’m so happy you’ve gotten back into your reading groove, Destiny! I hope you were able to start and finish most of those books! Can’t wait to start buddy reading Bent Heavens with ya! <3 Both those quotes really spoke to me at the end btw hahaha.

Say hello! ♥

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