The Weekly Wrap — January 29th, 2020

January 29, 2020

The Weekly Wrap is a new post I’ll be doing every week where we’ll talk about current reads, recently finished reads, what I’m listening to, games I’m playing, movies I’m watching, and general life stuff. ♥ If you’re a fan of my past WWW Wednesday & The Sunday Post updates, you’ll love this combination of the two!


on the blog:

last week: this week:
#pondathon sign-up
✨ review: the god game
winter tbr jar
✨ january haul
✨ state of the arc
✨ february tbr


current reads:

  1. Seven Deadly Shadows
  2. Jane Anonymous

recently finished:

Talk about a depressing reading week…

  1. Capturing the Devil ⌛ (set aside for later)
  2. Ghostland ❌
  3. Miss You Love You Hate You Bye ❌
  4. Gideon the Ninth ⌛ (set aside for later)

up next:

I guess I spoke too soon when I said last Wednesday that I was back in my groove. ? January is almost over, and rather than dwelling on what I missed in this month’s TBR, I’m letting myself move on and get excited about my February TBR! I will say that I’d love to finish at least 2 of my current reads before the 1st.


new review arrivals:


  • e-arcs:
  • print arcs:
    • The Winter Duke
  • audio arcs:

Only one ARC this week again! I could probably have a snowball’s chance in hell of getting back on track if I keep up this “only 1 ARC per week” business. ?


what I watched:

? Just looooots of YouTube.

what I’m listening to:

? Breaking Benjamin — ‘Aurora‘ album (I know BB isn’t as popular as they used to be, but I’ve always loved their sound, and this new album full of guest vocals is MY SHIT. Adam Gontier’s feature on Dance with the Devil? Holy shit.)

what I’m playing:

I finally got a Nintendo Switch this past weekend! I’ve been wanting one for ages, and knew I’d have to get one before the new Animal Crossing game (*screams forever*), but I’m so happy I went ahead and picked one up. ? If anyone wants to add me, my friend code is SW-4835-9899-2762!

? Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
? Super Mario Odyssey
? Stardew Valley


life updates:

This week was a bit up and down for me: I was super busy and just not really in the mood to do much of anything that I needed to do, plus I had a lot of grad school work, and just… meh. ?‍♀️ I have a to-do list a mile long and very few spoons to do any of it, but I’m hoping the coming week will be better. It probably doesn’t help that I’m still getting over being sick and my sleep schedule is all shot to hell.


a few last words:




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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. I hope next week is more relaxing for you! And I found that going to sleep at a reasonable hour Uno card to be highly relatable! It doesn’t matter if I don’t have anything to do, for some reason I can’t get myself to make an early night!

    1. I still LOOOOOVE Breaking Benjamin. I love their new album, and Dear Agony is one of my favorite slow songs of theirs. And yay for a Switch! I have one, but I’m not really on it as much. I wish I had more time in the day to do everything, but gaming always gets pushed to the back burner. ?

    1. Oooh, I totally feel ya on being out of a reading groove. I’ve only read 2 books so far this month and usually I manage to read at least 4-5 books per month.
      And OMG, The Winter Duke! I’m so psyched for that book–can’t wait to see what ya think.
      I also relate to the super long to-so list. I’m also in school and trying to juggle school work, work, and sending out applications. Fingers crossed that your to-do list becomes more manageable!
      Finally, totally love the cat cartoon!

      Here’s my WWW Wednesday post if ya wanna check it out (no pressure tho):

    1. Good luck with your current reads! I can’t wait to read Gideon the Ninth. I can’t wait for the Animal Crossing game for Nintendo Switch! I’m so annoyed that on March 13th they are releasing an Animal Crossing themed Switch after I already got a regular one, haha. But my Switch doesn’t hold charge very well, so maybe I can talk my family into putting money together to get me the AC one for my birthday in March LOL. Mario Kart is so fun! I’ve been wanting to try Stardew Valley.

      1. Thank you! <3

        I KNOWWWW! I JUST got this Switch and then they went and announced it. I'm within the return period for mine, still, so I'm actually returning it this week and have pre-ordered the AC version. I hope you can talk your family into getting it for you! 😀

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