The Weekly Wrap — February 19th, 2020

February 19, 2020

The Weekly Wrap is a new post I’ll be doing every week where we’ll talk about current reads, recently finished reads, what I’m listening to, games I’m playing, movies I’m watching, and general life stuff. ♥ If you’re a fan of my past WWW Wednesday & The Sunday Post updates, you’ll love this combination of the two!


on the blog:

last week: this week:
romance authors on my TBR ✨ REVIEW: the twisted ones
✨ REVIEW: silver in the wood
✨ recent TBR additions


latest video uploads:

(click the thumbnails to watch!)


current reads:

  1. Seven Deadly Shadows
  2. Bent Heavens
  3. A Princess in Theory
  4. The Shadow of What Was Lost
  5. Dear Laura

recently finished:

Another slow week. If I want to finish the 29 books in 29 days goal, I’ll have to read 22 books in the next… 10 days? HA. I will say, though, that I’m in the mood to binge a bunch of novellas, so… we’ll see.

  1. The Mortal Instruments: The Graphic Novel, Vol. 1 ?????
  2. Cracked Up to Be ⭐⭐⭐⭐?

up next:

Like I said, I’m in the mood for quick reads! I’d love to catch up on a couple of buddy reads I haven’t finished yet, but I also checked out some new stuff from Kindle Unlimited today that I want to read this week.

  1. Let’s Talk About Love (Feb group read, 288pg)
  2. Geekerella (overdue contemp-a-thon pick, 10hr audiobook – I think I can listen to this at 2x or higher so it should be easy to knock out!)
  3. Pet (overdue BR with Bee, 208pg)
  4. Midnight Snack (46pg)
  5. The Loner’s Lady (60pg)
  6. The Possession of Natalie Glasgow (66pg)
  7. Midlisters (69pg)
  8. Beauty in Spring (91pg)
  9. Siphon (112pg)
  10. The Grief Frequency (30pg)


new review arrivals:

  • e-arcs:
    • Take a Hint, Dani Brown
    • Clap When You Land
    • Not Your Idol, Vol. 1
    • Fury Unleashed
  • print arcs:
    • Aster and the Accidental Magic (unsolicited)
    • A Witch in Time (unsolicited)
    • The Age of Witches (unsolicited)
    • The Fourth Whore
  • audio arcs:

The bad news is that I hauled 8 review copies this week, but the good news is that 3 were unsolicited, so I don’t have to prioritize those, and all of the rest of this week’s additions should be quick reads.


what I watched:

? Another week of not really watching anything.


what I’m listening to:

? Flora Cash, 24/7.


what I’m playing:

? Mystery Case Files — 13th Skull ? (I haven’t played an MCF game since I was a young teen, but I used to LOVE these! It was pretty fun to revisit.)


life updates:

Another week of minimal reading, gaming, viewing, or doing anything particularly exciting or noteworthy. I think my seasonal depression is really messing with me lately, plus my anxiety went through the roof for a few days (but it’s settled again a bit now, thankfully). I also realized a couple of days ago that I think my intense devotion to my #ARCApocalypse goals are why I’ve had such a hard time reading the past few weeks, so I made an announcement on twitter that I’m ditching my “no overdue ARCs after 2020” goal and have de-prioritized pretty much all of my overdue titles. I still hope to get to them sooner or later but I can’t keep stressing over them because it’s just making this whole thing feel like a chore instead of a passion, and that’s not okay.


goals for the coming week:

Update on last week’s goals:

  1. Write reviews for at least 20 of the books on my “RTC” (review to come) shelf on goodreads
    1. ❌❌❌❌❌ Still nope. I really thought I’d knock this one out this week, no problem. 🙁
  2. Re-do all of my booktube thumbnails with a new thumbnail style
    1. ✅ I did this and I LOVE how my new thumbnails look! They’re really simple but I’m proud. <3
  3. Catch up on blog hopping
    1. ❌ I made a little progress but didn’t complete this goal yet.

This week’s new goals:

  1. (carrying over) Write reviews for 20+ RTCs
  2. (carrying over) Catch up on blog hopping
  3. Finish one book every day (even if they’re novellas, I think I just primarily need to get back into the habit of daily reading)


a few last words:




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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. Enjoy your reading!
      I really want to read the shadow of what was lost!


      1. Thank you, love! I’m excited about it. It’s my 3rd time trying to read it but the other times I tried the audiobook and it was just too long. I’m hoping for better luck reading it visually this time!

    1. Lolololol that last little meme you posted is SO ME. I’m always so tired, but just can’t go to bed earlier. ? I know you’re behind, but I’m still impressed with your 29 books in 29 days! I think you can do it! ?

Say hello! ♥

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