The Weekly Wrap — May 3rd, 2020 (now on sundays!)

May 3, 2020

For whatever reason, moving this weekly post to Sundays sounded like a good idea — I guess because, in my brain, weeks go from Sunday through Saturday, not Wednesday through Tuesday, and… oh, it doesn’t matter.


? on the blog:

last week: this week:
may tbr ✨ REVIEW: a breath too late (YA contemporary)
✨ april wrap
✨ april haul


? latest video uploads:

(click the thumbnails to watch!)

✨ nothing this week!


? current reads:

  • Seven Deadly Shadows (59%)
  • The Shadow of What was Lost (11%)
  • Ghost Squad (13%)
  • The Bone Season (80%; reread)
  • The Unsuitable (32%)
  • Red Sister (17%)
  • The Throne of Fire (22%)


✅ recently finished:

  • A Thief in the Nude ⭐⭐⭐⭐
    Really sweet and cute.
  • Theirs for the Night ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    I loved this SO MUCH and can’t wait to read the next book!
  • Desperate Measures ⭐⭐⭐?
    Actually a bit of a letdown after all the hype I’d heard, but I still enjoyed it and definitely think I’ll like the rest of the series more (I was never an Aladdin fan).
  • The Wicked + The Divine, Vol. 1: The Faust Act ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐?
    I’m so glad I decided to finally give this series another chance, because I liked this so much more this time around!
  • Definitely Dead ⭐⭐⭐⭐
    Sadly one of my least favorites in the series so far.
  • You Died: An Anthology of the Afterlife ❌
    This was just okay, and then it went and hit one of my biggest triggers as a parent and I DNFed it right then and there. Plenty of people will love this, though.
  • The Crossroad at Midnight ⭐⭐⭐⭐
    Spooky, sad, and fun.

  • The Last Halloween: The Children ⭐⭐⭐⭐
    This was so weirdly hilarious and twisted.
  • How to Survive a Horror Movie ⭐⭐
    One of my biggest reading disappointments of the year so far, tbh.
  • The Guild, Vol. 1 ⭐⭐⭐⭐
    Cute, and now I want to rewatch the series.
  • Chew, Vol. 1 ⭐⭐⭐
    Eh… a neat premise, but just an “okay” execution.
  • It Takes Two to Tumble ⭐⭐⭐⭐
    This was really lovely and sweet.
  • A Breath Too Late ⭐⭐
    I disliked this one enough that it broke through my review writing block and I have a full review scheduled for later this week. ?
  • The Girl in the Video ⭐⭐
    Meh… another letdown.
  • Geekerella ❌
    I finally gave up on this one. I’m just really not interested anymore. 🙁


⏰ up next:

I have NO reading goals this week MONTH besides reading things that make me happy. ♥


? new review arrivals:

  • The Truth Project
  • Soulswift
  • Over the Woodward Wall
  • Something Happened to Ali Greenleaf
  • The Guest List
  • The Once and Future Witches
  • You Died: An Anthology of the Afterlife [read]
  • The Crossroads at Midnight [read]
  • The Last Halloween: The Children [read]
  • One by One
  • Vampires Never Get Old
    I feel like I’ve been waiting SO LONG for this anthology!! DIVERSE VAMPIRES!!!
  • Two Rogues Make a Right


???? non-bookish occupations: Animal Crossing: New Horizons - Nintendo Switch ...

More ACNH, forever.


I haven’t played this as much in the last week as I was earlier in April, but I still try to get into it often.


life updates:

An up-and-down week, which is better than the terrible week before it, so I’m not complaining. Oh, and… I finished grad school?!?! I can’t believe it either, but Thursday night, I submitted my final assignments for my MLIS degree (Master of Library and Information Science). After being in school non-stop since Pre-K, ya girl is finally done. (No joke, besides summer breaks, I’ve had TWO semesters off in the last 22 years.)

I mean, I might go for another Master’s or PhD someday because I’ve always said my mid-life career dream is to be an eccentric, hippie professor at a liberal arts school, but that goal is literally decades away. ?



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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. I like your goal of just reading things that make you happy. I think that should always be the goal because who doesn’t want to be happy and enjoy what they read?

    1. Oh you managed to finish so much! Enjoy your reading!


      1. Thank you!! I was honestly amazed at how much reading I was able to do. It felt nice to have a good reading week! I hope you’re enjoying your reading this week too, love!

    1. Congrats on finishing your grad school work! My sister-in-law is graduating from nursing school next week. Proud of you!!

    1. Congrats on finishing school! That must feel so amazing. Curious to see what you think of The Throne of Fire (I’ll need to look for your review of The Red Pyramid) since I look back on the series fondly. But when I recommend it, I hear it’s not that good.

      1. Thank you! <3 I'll be honest, it actually took until last night for it to finally start sinking in. It just feels surreal (but in a good way, of course haha)! The Throne of Fire has been okay so far - I really liked Red Pyramid, but this one feels like it has some "second book slump" issues, I think? I'm excited for the finale, though! I think I may just do a full series review instead of individual ones.

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