The Weekly Wrap — May 24th, 2020

May 24, 2020

For whatever reason, moving this weekly post to Sundays sounded like a good idea — I guess because, in my brain, weeks go from Sunday through Saturday, not Wednesday through Tuesday, and… oh, it doesn’t matter.


? on the blog:

last week: this week:
kane chronicles (fantasy series review)
animal crossing book tag
mini graphic novel reviews
✨ the low, low woods (graphic novel review)
✨ may haul


? latest video uploads:

(click the thumbnails to watch!)


? current reads:

*whispering to self* HOW have I not finished some of these yet…?!

  • The Shadow of What was Lost (11%)
  • Ghost Squad (13%)
  • The Unsuitable (32%)
  • Red Sister (17%)
  • City of Heavenly Fire (13%)
  • From Dead to Worse (5%)

  • Catching Fire (25%) (reread)
    I meant to finish this reread before Ballad came out, but decided not to rush myself — I’ll just pick it back up afterwards!
  • The Flatshare (50%)
  • The Lightning Thief (70%) (reread)
  • The Mime Order (53%)
  • Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes (15%)
  • Just Like That (5%)


✅ recently finished:

  • Check, Please! Book 2: Sticks & Scones ?????
    This was SO PRECIOUS and I’m so sad it’s over ??
  • Steel ❌
    I didn’t enjoy the over-usage of “old fashioned hero who thinks the heroine needs saving and protecting” trope here and DNFed it pretty fast.
  • Seven Deadly Shadows ❌
    This is one I will most likely pick back up some time.
  • This is Going to Hurt ❌?
    I’ve been working on this LibroFM ALC for literally MONTHS and finally tried to finish it a few nights ago, only to realize it isn’t worth finishing IMO.
  • Aster and the Accidental Magic ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    I got this as an unsolicited ARC a little while back and thought it looked cute, but OMG, it was so much better than I even expected! I really recommend this for Adventure Time lovers.

  • Basketful of Heads ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    I freaked out when I saw the Hill House Comics releases were being put up on Netgalley so I immediately grabbed them. This is the only one Joe himself wrote for the launch, I think, and it was really fun and weird.
  • The Dollhouse Family ⭐⭐
    Another Hill House Comics release. I’m not typically a big fan of M.R. Carey’s work and the same went for this one.
  • The Low, Low Woods ?????
    Also Hill House Comics. Y’all. Y’ALL. Holy shit. This is one of the best things I’ve read in a very, very long time. Carmen Maria Machado is a goddess. And I’m low key proud to see such a big production team putting this super sapphic horror story out, too. It’s about time.
  • I Left the House Today! ⭐⭐⭐⭐
    Cute, as I would expect from Cassandra’s comics.


⏰ up next:

I have NO reading goals this week MONTH besides reading things that make me happy. ♥


? new review arrivals:

I hauled a few ARCs this week, but: 1) I stuck to my ban rules (I’ve read more ARCs than I’ve hauled this month), and 2) I’ve already read all but 1 of my new hauls, which I am currently reading and should hopefully finish soon, too! ?

  • Basketful of Heads
  • The Dollhouse Family
  • The Low, Low Woods
  • I Left the House Today!
  • Just Like That


???? non-bookish occupations: Animal Crossing: New Horizons - Nintendo Switch ...Just ACNH, all the time. I had actually stopped playing as much for a couple of weeks, but I finally decided how I want my new island layout to look this week and have been basically playing NON-STOP for the last several days again.


life updates:

Another mostly solid week without a lot to report! I streamed a few times and feel like I’m getting into the swing of it and starting to make some new friends in the Twitch community, so that’s been really nice. ? I’m hoping to do a series I started last week called “Spooky Sunday” where I’ll play a horror game every Sunday, but on other streaming days it’ll just be whatever I’m in the mood to play. I might pick Overwatch back up and try to finally get good ? I didn’t read much at all for the first 4-5 days of the week, but reading is mostly all I’ve wanted to do over the last 2 days, so I’m hoping I keep that up and knock out some of my ever-increasing current reads list before June 1st. ?

How are you all? Let me know what you’ve been up to this week! ♥



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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. I am very impressed at you ability to read that many books at once. At max I can read about 5 at once. Also, love the goal of reading things that just make you happy.

      1. Thank you! I need to lower my current reads big time, I’m doing too much lately lol! And yes, it’s really been nice, I think that goal is gonna stick around for a while for the most part!

    1. Omg how do you read that many books at once?? It’d be going insane? I can only read 3 at once and I get so anxious about it because it’s such a slower process. My average is 2 at the time though. Keep reading what makes you happy only and don’t be afraid to DNF anything that doesn’t!

      1. Haha aww, 2 at a time sounds good though!! I want to lower my simultaneous reads so that I can no longer justify keeping the same book on my currently-reading shelf for months on end like I normally do. ?? And thank you! <3 I DNFed and set aside a few things this week and it helped me a lot!!

    1. Ohh I love the idea of spooky sunday! for some reason, I absolutely LOVE to watch it, but can’t play for the life of me xd

      My sims has stopped working and randomly started freezing my mac completely ? hoping this get fixed eventually with a nex update drop or something … or else no more playing until I change computer I guess (or like, sporadic plays ? I dont know..) so I’ve mostly played New horizon too!! Aswell as breath of the wild – I love that game so much !! ❤️

      1. Haha thank you! <3

        Oh nooooo 🙁 That's so sad! I'm sorry! I hope the next update fixes it. New Horizons is so great. Breath of the Wild is BEAUTIFUL and I adore the Zelda franchise and always have, but damn, I am so bad at open world games?! I don't know why, I guess my indecisive Libra side kicks into overdrive because I just end up spending so much time trying to decide which quests to follow first, etc. ??? I played about an hour of BotW a couple months ago and haven't played anymore! Thankfully I just borrowed my spouse's copy so it wasn't wasted money lol! And I'll probably try it again sometime.

        1. Ahahah yeah- basically me right now xd I don’t know where to go as I don’t really wanna do my remaining two beasts.. oh and I managed to fix it !! Idk what I did exactly ? as I wanted to reformat it and although it took 30mins for my computer to do something … nothing got removed?? But sims now works perfectly so! ??‍♀️

    1. I submitted my short story for the contest on the day of the deadline. I’m really proud of it – It was something different, an original idea, and the contest rules were virtually limitless. I’ve set a deadline of the end of June to finish the second draft of my novel and send it back to my readers. I’ve been trying really hard to not check Facebook 10,000 times per day! I have several new blog posts in the works as well. I took Friday off from work, and I really needed it. I watched all four Toy Story movies between Thursday night and today. It was just what I needed in this moment. I hadn’t seen Toy Story 4 until now, and it was good!

      1. That’s freaking awesome!! 😀 Way to go on all your progress, and the day off sounds so nice. I haven’t seen Toy Story 4 yet either, I’m glad to hear you enjoyed it!

    1. I am so amazed by the amount of books you’re able to read all at once, wow! The Flatshare sounds lovely, I hope you’re enjoying it 🙂
      Happy reading! <3

    1. I loved Ghost Squad, I know it has mixed reviews but I’m a sucker for a fat cat and a crazy old lady.

      I see Samantha Shannon! She is my George R. R. Martin – she just wants to hurt my soul by promising to release the next in the series and then NOT DOING IT. Wahhh

      1. Hahahah a fat cat and a crazy old lady would’ve been enough to sell me on it honestly!! Sadly I did put it down for a little while just because I don’t feel like I’m in a big MG mood right now aside from re-reading the Percy books, but I think I may pick it back up as soon as I finish those. If I don’t, it’s going on my October TBR for sure because it gives me such good Halloween vibes.

        Awwww, at least we finally have a release date though! But I have heard a lot of people say that about her! It makes me glad I didn’t continue the series until right now. ?

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