The Weekly Wrap — June 14th, 2020

June 14, 2020

the weekly wrap

For whatever reason, moving this weekly post to Sundays sounded like a good idea — I guess because, in my brain, weeks go from Sunday through Saturday, not Wednesday through Tuesday, and… oh, it doesn’t matter.

on the blog

last week: this week:
may wrap
take a hint, dani brown (romance review)
you should see me in a crown (YA contemporary review)
✨ just like that (romance review)
✨ pjo/hoo book tag
✨ ???


latest video

(click the thumbnails to watch!)

I finally have a new video scheduled to go up this week! ?


current reads

  1. The Shadow of What was Lost
  2. The Unsuitable
  3. Catching Fire (re-read, paused)
    I meant to finish this reread before Ballad came out, but decided not to rush myself — I’ll just pick it back up afterwards!
  4. The Mime Order
  5. Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes
  6. Cinderella is Dead


just finished

⌛ set aside for now | ❌ permanent DNF | ? re-read

  1. You Should See Me in a Crown ?????
  2. Take a Hint, Dani Brown ?????
  3. The Tea Dragon Tapestry ⭐⭐⭐⭐
  4. The Titan’s Curse ?⭐⭐⭐⭐
  5. Just Like That ?????


up next

I’m back to setting very minor goals! Mostly I just want to work on ARCs this week.


new review copies

  • The Tea Dragon Tapestry (read)
  • Across the Green Grass Fields
  • The Ghost Tree
  • The Green Witch’s Grimoire


other obsessions Animal Crossing: New Horizons - Nintendo Switch ...


life updates

I feel like this week totally flew by, probably in part because my sleep schedule is in SHAMBLES lately. I mean, I’m writing this post at 5:30am, about to go to sleep, and this is an “early” bedtime for me compared to the last couple of weeks. ? I’m hoping to get back into a normal routine over the next week, but my anxiety has been giving me pretty bad insomnia lately, soooo we’ll see. Otherwise, I’m just reading a lot over the last few days and spending a lot of time on Animal Crossing! ?‍♀️ How are you all doing?



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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. OMG!! There’s a new Katie O’Neill Tea Dragon book?! *SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEE* Thanks for sharing, I am immeasurably excited about this (as you might be able to tell…) x

    1. I’m so glad you had such a great reading week! Mine was pretty good as well. I managed to finish more than one book in a week, which I haven’t done in a while!

      You Should See Me In a Crown is one of the next books on my TBR so I’m SO happy to hear that you loved it! And I absolutely cannot wait until my copy of Take a Hint, Dani Brown arrives! It’s one of my most anticipated books of the entire year!

    1. I’m looking forward to knowing your thoughts on Cinderella is Dead, I can’t wait to read it & I’m happy that you enjoyed You Should See Me in a Crown, it looks SO adorable. ?
      I hope you’re having a great week, love ❤️✨

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