The Weekly Wrap — October 29th, 2020

October 29, 2020

the weekly wrap

It’s time for another weekly update!

on the blog

recent posts: coming soon:
monster mash book tag
october 2019 tbr/haul checkpoint
✨ october haul
✨ november tbr
✨ top 10 tuesday

divider_gold_oldnewcurrent reads

Removing my current reads section last week inspired me to take the bulk of my currently-reading shelf and shove everything back on my TBR or DNF it, and I feel SO much better! I’m still not going to talk about current reads right now because I still feel suuuuper slump-y, but it definitely helped in that regard.


just finished

❌ DNF | 🔁 re-read | 🎧 audiobook | 💻 kindle unlimited | ✨ review copy | 🍰 graphic novel | 📚 random pick | 🤗 buddy read

get it right ⭐⭐⭐⭐
halloween season
the truth project ⭐⭐⭐⭐


up next

My only “up next” title right now is The Final Empire, which I’m supposed to start for the book club in my streaming group ASAP!



new review copies

🍰 graphic novel/manga | 📱 eARC | 🎧 ALC | 📖 print copy

Only two this week!

🎧 plain bad heroines
📱 gudetama: surviving the holidays


other obsessions

I’ve honestly been gaming basically nonstop lately and I love it so much. I recently added Phasmophobia (thanks, Owl!) and Among Us into the mix. 😍


life updates

This was a damn good week! I spent most of it streaming, gaming, making new friends, and spending time with my family. Plus, my spouse and I celebrated our second wedding anniversary on the 27th! It was just a quiet night at home, of course, but it was so nice and I feel so lucky. ♥

3 good things I can focus on today:

  1. I’ve already almost reached 100 followers on Twitch! (94 at the time I’m writing this)
  2. I’ve finally started coming out of my shell enough to play games online with people besides my family!

Feel free to focus on the good stuff with me in the comments! What are 3 good things (or even 1 thing) you can focus on today?



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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. Added four of these books to my TBR ’cause of you, THANKS.

      Mistborn looks like it’s big but I read it across one weekend while doing other things, on audio though.

      Everyone is telling me to get Stardew Valley. How do you manage playing both that and ACNH??? Also when can I come visit? Also, I play Among Us too like everyone else haha. I recommend Monster Prom to you.

      3 good things to focus on: my boys have been playing all day instead of sleeping which is good bc hopefully it means they will sleep at night like this human does, I don’t feel clingy today, and I remembered to take my meds at an almost reasonable hour lmao

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