The Weekly Wrap — March 4th, 2020

March 4, 2020

The Weekly Wrap is a new post I’ll be doing every week where we’ll talk about current reads, recently finished reads, what I’m listening to, games I’m playing, movies I’m watching, and general life stuff. ♥ If you’re a fan of my past WWW Wednesday & The Sunday Post updates, you’ll love this combination of the two!


on the blog:

last week: this week:
state of the ARC (final post!)
march TBR
recent TBR additions
✨ silver in the wood review
✨ february haul
✨ saturday smalls
✨ february wrap


latest video uploads:

(click the thumbnails to watch!)



current reads:

  1. Seven Deadly Shadows
  2. Bent Heavens
  3. A Princess in Theory
  4. The Shadow of What Was Lost
  5. The Diviners
  6. Geekerella
  7. Captive

recently finished:

I didn’t read as much as I wanted to for The Graphics Readathon, but I still got a solid number read and I marked another book off of my winter TBR!

  1. Giant Days: Extra Credit ⭐⭐⭐⭐
  2. Giant Days, Vol. 11 ?????
  3. Girl Town ⭐
  4. Bad for the Boss ⭐⭐⭐⭐?
  5. American Vampire, Vol. 1 ⭐

up next:

The Backlist Readathon starts next week! I’m really excited about it and biting at the bit to start my readathon TBR, so between now and then, I think I’ll just focus on my current reads and maybe do a little mood reading.


new review arrivals:

  • e-arcs:
    • Something to Talk About
    • Dark Celebrations
    • Dragon Unleashed
  • print arcs:
    • Cursed: An Anthology of Dark Fairy Tales
  • audio arcs:


what I watched:

? Matriarch (2018) — ⭐ (Pretty damn awful. The acting was terrible, the plot was boring and predictable, and the victims suffered from major Dumb Bitch Syndrome)


what I’m listening to:

? Mainly just audiobooks this week!


what I’m playing:

? Mystery Case Files: Shadow Lake (I started another MCF replay this week! I don’t remember how this one ended, so it’s been pretty fun.)


life updates:

*sigh* Full transparency: this was a VERY bad week for me, mentally. My anxiety has been higher this past week than it’s been since I was a teen. The state of the world has really been wearing me down, especially as a mom. Things that seemed unimportant when I was younger seem huge and terrifying now and it’s hard to cope with sometimes. On top of that, there were a couple of days last week where I was dealing with a ton of insecurity and self-loathing and even had a big meltdown and told my spouse I was thinking about stopping my blog, booktube, twitter, everything all in one fell swoop just because I was convinced it made me a bad mother to have hobbies. (Spoiler alert: it totally doesn’t, and parents need to have hobbies and outlets besides just parenting! But try telling that to me a few nights ago…)

Anyways, I’m back on a consistent schedule with anxiety medication, and I’ve been trying to practice a lot of self-care. Social media has been a tremendous trigger for me lately so I’ve turned my Screen Time limits back on and added a Chrome extension to my PC that blocks Twitter after 30mins a day. I’m thinking about lowering it to 10 or 15 minutes so that I basically only have time to check DMs & notifications a couple of times a day and leaving it at that until my anxiety settles a little. If I go quiet for a bit, please just bear with me. ♥ I meant to edit a video tonight (Tuesday night) and I couldn’t even deal with listening to myself talk long enough, so my next booktube channel is postponed until I can deal with that, maybe tomorrow night or later this week.

On the upside, I’ve been mood reading a lot more the last couple of days to help settle myself, and I’ve been enjoying my reading more in the last few days than I have in months! It’s been so nice to not even LOOK at my TBR or ARCs and to just read whatever the hell strikes me at the moment. I did just get a delivery a little bit ago with the new Sarah J. Maas book, so maybe I’ll pick that up tomorrow. ?


goals for the coming week:

I’m putting this section on hold this week because I honestly can’t hold myself accountable to goals while I’m in this mental state. Hopefully next week will be better.

Update on last week’s goals:

  1. Write reviews for 20+ RTCs
  2. Catch up on blog hopping
  3. Schedule 2 weeks of posts

This week’s new goals:

  1. (carrying over) Write reviews for 20+ RTCs
  2. (carrying over) Catch up on blog hopping
  3. Schedule at least 2 weeks of blog posts


a few last words:


(^ this one just soothed my soul a little ♥)



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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.


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