2020 releases I STILL need to read! [Top 10 Tuesday]

May 17, 2022

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly blog meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

It’s time for another Top Ten Tuesday post! This week’s theme is “books I was SO excited to get, but still haven’t read yet” and I already did a list a few months ago of 2021 releases I haven’t read yet, so I decided to take it back another year and make this list 2020 releases I haven’t read yet! These are all books that I was really anticipating before their release dates.

10 releases from 2020 that I can’t believe I haven’t read yet:

  • Kingdom of the Wicked // Kerri Maniscalco → I love the Stalking Jack the Ripper series, so I was REALLY pumped for this book! Now I’ve decided to save it and binge the trilogy when book 3 releases this fall.
  • Spoiler Alert // Olivia Dade → Not gonna lie, I’m still hella excited for this adorable-sounding geeky romance book with fat rep.
  • The Ghost Tree // Christina Henry → This is the only book I’m including that I did technically start and read a good chunk of (about 30%), but I hit a horrible slump and set it aside.
  • The Bone Shard Daughter // Andrea Stewart → I LOVE books about magic that requires elements like bones, blood, etc., and I still wanna read this so badly.
  • Drowned Country // Emily Tesh → This is one of those sequels that I haven’t read only because I loved the first book so much that I’m a little scared to see how it ends, lol.

  • The Only Good Indians // Stephen Graham Jones → I’ve read the first 1-2 chapters of this twice and set it aside both times, because it does have some heavy elements I wasn’t in the right headspace for, but I’m still so excited to read it, especially given how much I’ve adored all the SGJ short stories I’ve read!
  • Survivor Song // Paul Tremblay → I have a VERY good reason for having not read this yet, which is that I couldn’t handle anything pandemic-related AT ALL in my books until the last few months, but I think I’m ready for it!
  • Final Cuts // Ellen Datlow → An entire anthology of short stories inspired by horror movies! HOW on earth have I, the horror film addict that I am, not read this yet?!
  • The Switch // Beth O’Leary → I adored The Flatshare, and I think I’m a little nervous to read more of Beth’s books because I’m worried I won’t love them as much.
  • The Southern Book Club’s Guide to Slaying Vampires // Grady Hendrix → I have literally NO excuse. I had an ARC, I have a finished copy, I adore this author and everything about this premise… what am I waiting for??

What author has been on your TBR way too long? Have you read any of the authors in my list?
Let me know in the comments, or drop a link to your T10T post for the week!



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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. Kingdom of the Wicked and The Southern Book Club’s Guide to Slaying Vampires are two I really should have read by now. And I’ve never read anything by Stephen Graham Jones but I’ve heard a lot of good things about The Only Good Indians.

    1. I’ve actually read five of these, go me! Lol. The Grady Hendrix is probably my favorite of all his books. Super dark but so well done.

      1. Lol, way to go! That actually doesn’t surprise me, because your reading always inspires me. ? You’re one of the bloggers I’m friends with who always has me like, “Wow, Tammy’s so on top of it!!” lol! Ooooh, that’s so awesome. I can’t wait to read it!

    1. Oops, Drowned Country, Bone Shard Daughter and Spoiler Alert would all be on my list as well… ? There are just too many books and I don’t have enough shelf-control, haha! I hope you enjoy these books whenever you get around to reading them though 🙂

    1. I loved Kingdom of the Wicked and enjoyed Spoiler Alert. I definitely want to read Bone Shard Daughter at some point. I’ve seen a lot of great reviews for it.

    1. I’ve read Kingdom of the Wicked and Spoiler Alert. Kerri Maniscalco is a favorite author of mine and I can’t wait for the final book in this trilogy. I did enjoy Spoiler Alert but I found some things annoying.

        1. I don’t think I could hold off reading her books until they are all released so I pretty much read them on or near when they are published. I didn’t like how the fan fiction writing was included.

    1. I was surprised by how much I enjoyed Kingdom of the Wicked! I, too, have decided to wait for the final book to come out before I continue with the series though. It’s a good one to marathon!

    1. Spoiler Alert was really good; I hope you enjoy it. Some of the rest look a bit dark for me, but I do want to read Silver in the Wood (and thus, Drowned Country) at some point.

    1. If you need content warnings for The Only Good Indians, let me know! I got you covered all those details if you need it. Also, I see so many books in this list I want to read, but I can feel my tbr cart glaring at me.

    1. I guess I can sign that entire list too! *lol* I still haven’t read any of them as well and by now I feel guilty. XD I hope you’ll love them when you get to them, Destiny!

    1. Ahh Spoiler Alert sounds SO good, I’ve had that one on my TBR for a little while now, as well! I hope you’ll love it 🙂

    1. I don’t want to know how many 2020 releases I haven’t read yet ? I did read Spoiler Alert though and really liked it, the fandom aspect was so much fun ?

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