2021 Releases I Still Need to Read!

January 18, 2022


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly blog meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

It’s been over a year since my last Top Ten Tuesday post, and I’ve really been missing writing these! I don’t think I’ll return to participating every single week, but I’ll definitely be joining in for the themes that speak to me the most — and as someone who didn’t read almost any of my most anticipated releases last year, I had to join in for this week’s prompt! 

I decided to pick 10 books that I was REALLY anticipating the release of in 2021 and am genuinely shocked I haven’t read yet!

1. A Court of Silver Flames  I couldn’t possibly NOT start this list with what was my most anticipated release of 2021: the newest installment in the ACOTAR series!
2. Vespertine  Another book from an author I already love so much, and fully thought I would’ve read during 2021.
The Mask Falling The funny thing about the latest book in The Bone Season series, is that I actually DID start reading this, and set it aside due to a slump. I almost didn’t include it in the list for that reason, but given that I’m bummed I haven’t picked it back up yet, I think it counts!
4. Rise to the Sun Leah Johnson’s debut You Should See Me in a Crown was one of my favorite reads of 2020 and a new all-time favorite YA romance, so I was really eager to check this out until I heard a LOT of my friends who loved YSSMIAC say this was a huge letdown, and it put a big damper on my excitement. I still plan on reading it soon, though!
5. Queen of Teeth  I have no good reason at all for why I haven’t read this yet, given that: 1) I pre-ordered a copy, 2) I love the synopsis, and 3) Hailey is a delight and I adore her writing!

6. Empire of the Vampire  I feel like I waited so long for this book, yet I haven’t read it yet! A little spoiler for an upcoming TBR, though, is that I’m planning on reading this VERY soon. 👀
7. Dark Rise  Another one from an author I already know I love.
In Darkness, Delight: Fear the Future I’m a tremendous fan of horror/sci-fi crossover stories, so an entire anthology fitting that theme is one I should have read by now, and hopefully will VERY soon!
9. We Are the Ashes, We Are the Fire Blood Water Paint by this author was one of the most impactful books I’ve ever read in my life. I think a part of me is just nervous that I won’t love this one as much as I loved that book!
10. Horseman I literally did that whole covers-mouth-with-hands-and-screams-a-little thing when I saw the announcement for this book, because I love the story of Sleepy Hollow so much and I LOVE Christina Henry’s retellings, so HOW have I not devoured this book already?!

What are some of the 2021 releases you meant to read, but didn’t get to? Let me know in the comments, or drop a link to your T10T post for the week!



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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. Yes there are so many 2021 releases never got around to! ACOSF, The Mask Falling, Dark Rise & Horseman. I meant to get to them all but read none!

    1. Ugh I really need to get back on reading The Bone Season series. I read the first book years ago and have the next 2 but I can’t remember anything

    1. Wow, Horseman has the most gorgeous cover! Need to check it out for sure. I’ve just started with ACOTAR, so A court of silver flames are still a long way off.

      Happy TTT and I also don’t do TTT every week, just as the prompt tickles my fancy.

      Elza Reads

    1. Great list! I’m keen to check out Vespertine (still waiting on my copy to come in from overseas though lol!) but I’m also tempted by Dark Rise and ACOSF! I hope you enjoy all these books whenever you get to them ?

      1. I hope we both get to it soon! I think its length is probably a big part of why I didn’t read it yet, but I’ve been getting away from novellas and back into full-length novels a lot more this month. 🙂

      1. I’m really excited for it! It’s a series of horror anthologies, and I really enjoyed the first anthology, but haven’t gotten to the 2nd one or the 3rd one (which is the one in this list) yet.

      1. It’s ginormous haha! I think the length is a big part of why I haven’t read it yet. I spent 2020 and 2021 mostly reading novellas, but I’ve been picking up more full-length novels so far this year, which has been nice. 😀

        1. I picked it up and put it down so many times, it took me at least 2 months to read it just because it was SO BIG! But I hope you can get to it this year~ 🙂

      1. Oh no, I’m sorry you got into a slump while reading The Mask Falling, too! I hope we can both pick it back up soon. I think I will probably restart it, but it’s not too bad for me, because I’m pretty sure I only read the first 30-40pg of it the first time around. I hope you don’t have to restart it! 🙂

    1. Isn’t it crazy how that happens?! Books that I’m so hyped and excited for and then never pick them up!! I still have to read Empire of the Vampire too!

      My Top Ten

    1. I hope you will get to all of these this year!
      I also still need to read Vespertine! Empire of the Vampire was one of my favourite reads of last year!

    1. Oh I have so many 2021 releases I didn’t get to, some from favorite authors ?? I wish had read Vespertine, as I love Margaret Rogerson and was so excited that we finally got another book from her! Hopefully it’ll happen this year ??

    1. Ah this is a lovely list! I haven’t read Leah Johnson’s debut or this next book, either, but both are on my TBR and I heard great things about them, so I can’t wait to read them! I hope you’ll get a chance to read all of these soon! 🙂

      1. Thank you! You Should See Me in a Crown was absolutely delightful and I really think you would enjoy it based on some of the YA romances you’ve rated highly – I hope you do like it when you get the chance ?

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