T10T: April-June 5-Star Predictions

April 2, 2019


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly blog meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This week’s theme was “things that make me pick up a book”, but it’s time for an update on my 5-star predictions! I do this every 3 months, so first, let’s look at my predictions from January through March:

Jan → March Predictions: UPDATE!

  1. Kingdom of Ash ⛔ did not read
  2. Rolling in the Deep ⛔ did not read
  3. King of Scars ⛔ did not read
  4. The Weight of the Stars ✅ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
  5. The Test ✅ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
  6. Darkest Hours ✅ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
  7. The Nightmare Girl ✅ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
  8. The Owls Have Come to Take Us Away ❌⭐⭐⭐
  9. Sorcery of Thorns ? in progress, currently adoring
  10. A Heart in a Body in the World ⛔ did not read

Jan → Mar Predictions

1. The Dark Game — Jonathan Janz
why I predict a 5-star rating:
I love Jonathan’s writing, especially in his newer works (which this is), and the synopsis sounds right up my alley.
2. Middlegame — Seanan McGuire
why I predict a 5-star rating:

I would read this woman’s grocery lists and give them 5 stars, I think.
3. The Bride Test — Helen Hoang
why I predict a 5-star rating:

I loved The Kiss Quotient and have been SO ready for this!
4. Hope and Other Punchlines — Julie Buxbaum
why I predict a 5-star rating:

I haven’t read Julie’s latest release, but I loved Tell Me Three Things and just really enjoyed her writing style in general.
5. Call it What You Want — Brigid Kemmerer
why I predict a 5-star rating:

I really love Brigid’s writing, and have high hopes for everything she releases (even though I didn’t 100% adore her last contemp release, More Than We Can Tell).

6. Girls on the Verge — Sharon Biggs Waller
why I predict a 5-star rating:

Give us more pro-choice books, you cowards!! *rant grumble hmph*
7. Unnatural, Vol. 2 — Mirka Andolfo
why I predict a 5-star rating:

I just read Vol 1 this past weekend and gave it 5 stars!
8. Wayward Sisters — Allison O’Toole
why I predict a 5-star rating:

A whole graphic novel anthology about monster babes? YES, PLEASE
9. Rolling in the Deep — Mira Grant
why I predict a 5-star rating:

I’m mad that I didn’t get around to this one in the last round of predictions, so it’s returning for round 2. 😛
10. Lords of the Deep — Tim Meyer & Patrick Lacey
why I predict a 5-star rating:

Pirates, sea monsters, Tim Meyer (who I love), and Patrick Lacey (who Bex has raved about). It’s a winning combo already.

Do you have any 5-star predictions for your reading plans over the next few months? Do you think I will or won’t 5-star any of mine?


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

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    1. I hope you’re right on these being five star reads!! ESPECIALLY The Bride Test. I’m beyond stoked for that one too and I have high, high, high hopes!

    1. That cover of Lords of the Deep is epic haha. I haven’t read any of these but I hope you’ll love them all!

    1. I think The Bride Test will be a 4 or 5 star read too. Looks like you predicted well last quarter. Hope you like the books this quarter too!

    1. You’re really good at predicting five star reads! I’m not the best haha. But I do think I’m going to adore Girls on the Verge!

    1. One of the things I like about reading a book is that I never know what the rating will be! I don’t think I’d be able to accurately judge what rating I’d give a book, since I hope that all books will be 3-4 stars, but then there are always the surprises. So I’m super impressed with how well you did with your predictions so far!

      1. Thanks! 😀 It’s a blessing and a curse, haha. On one hand, I know my reading tastes well enough that I can USUALLY predict if a book will or won’t be for me – on the other hand, it stinks because sometimes I KNOW a book won’t be for me, but I get it anyways because of the hype, and then I dislike it, and I can only blame myself. ???

    1. Can’t wait to see the rest of your predictions! I am interested in what you think of Sorcery of Thorns! I enjoyed An Enchantment of Ravens and am excited to see what she does next!

    1. So do you ever put stats together on how often you’re right? 😀 I’m still looking forward to reading The Test, as I’ve mentioned elsewhere, but don’t have any of the others on my radar. Should be interesting to see how you fair. Do you have an explanation somewhere for why you didn’t finish those in the Jan-Mar period? Links perhaps to those discussions? Thank you!

      1. You know, I’ve never done that, but I love that idea!! I’m gonna have to do that next time! 😀 Thank you! And no, I don’t have any explanation, they’re just books I didn’t get around to for one reason or another – usually just that I was never quite in the mood for them or ran out of time! ?

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