Weekly Check-in: happy Friday the 13th!

January 13, 2023

weekly check-in

It’s time for a weekly check-in!

life update

Happy Friday the 13th, friends! This post almost didn’t happen because I totally forgot to write it up last night, whoops. 😅 It’s been a bit of an odd week but we’re making it! Weather permitting, we’re taking Isaac to a museum this weekend and I’m really excited about that. Do you guys have anything fun planned for the weekend?

just finishedDon’t mind me, just flying through the Horsemen series while I ignore the rest of my TBR~

War wasn’t quite as good as Pestilence, but I still thoroughly enjoyed it. Creatures of the Night was, unfortunately, by far the worst of the In Darkness, Delight anthologies, with very few enjoyable stories in it. Freaky Briefs was hilarious and I definitely recommend it to anyone who loves dark horror-comedy stuff!

Since one of my 2023 goals is to read 6 or less books concurrently, I’ll keep using this section to show all of my current reads until I can get down to that number (and maybe afterward, too, since having the limit would make this section shorter again lol).

📚 current reads 📚

📚 total current reads: 12 📚

and everything else I didn’t watch or play anything this week, really. I’m not even sure what I did this week. 😅 It was a rough mental health week and was a bit of a blur, tbh.

Heads up: you can always friend me on Letterboxd if you wanna see my movie mini reviews!

What are you reading right now, or what did you recently finish? Is anything exciting happening in your life? Let me know in the comments!


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. i hope this next week is kind + gentle to you <3 and i hope you all have a good time this weekend <3 and let me pick up pestilence before the month ends

    1. I’m currently reading two books (One For All by Lillie Lainoff and Daughter of the Moon Goddess b Sue Lynn Tan – enjoying both!) but will start two more when your unexpected readathon starts – whether or not I’ve finished my current reads lol.

Say hello! ♥

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