Weekly Check-in: re-reading a favorite series and kicking this slump outta here 🥳

April 11, 2024

weekly check-in

It’s time for a weekly check-in!

life update

I’ve actually been in the mood to read a LOT this week and it has felt so good! I know my reading slump didn’t last very long, but any kind of slump always gets me down, so I’m always really excited to get out of one. I just want to sit on the couch and read all day today! I’m craving some random mood reading, so I might steer away from my TBR a little this weekend. I’m craving a really good, addictive dark romance book right now for some reason!

just finishedI’m buddy re-reading The Illuminae Files with Misty right now and loving it! I actually hadn’t ever read Memento before, so I’m glad I finally did. On a less exciting note, A Feather So Black was SUCH a disappointment! 😭 That 3-star rating is very generous, friends.

📚 current reads 📚

Misty and I are finishing our Gemina buddy re-read today, and I also would love to fit in the ending of The Invocations some time today! I’ve been slowly chipping away at the books that have been on this list a while, but I wish my ADHD brain would quit chasing all the random butterflies long enough for me to clear the whole list out for once. 😂

and everything else Another song for you guys this week! This one’s a LOT lighter than what I usually share. 😂 It’s the acoustic rendition of ‘Burial Plot’ by Dayseeker and it includes Caleb Shomo (from Attack Attack! and Beartooth). It’s so soft and sad and pretty, and I can’t get enough. 💔

What are you reading right now, or what did you recently finish? Is anything exciting happening in your life? Let me know in the comments!



More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. Sorry to hear about A Feather So Black, ugh, I had high hopes for it. And I wasn’t familiar with the Carissa Broadbent book, another Crowns of Nyaxia story???

    1. I can’t believe it’s already time for our weekly check-in! This week has been amazing for my reading mood. I’ve been on a roll and it feels so good to get out of my reading slump. I’m in the mood to just curl up on the couch and read all day long. I’m even planning on indulging in some random mood reading this weekend and might stray away from my TBR a little bit! I’m really feeling the need for a dark romance novel right now.

    1. I adore The Illuminae Files, I really need to do my own reread one of these days! I’m trying to read The Empire of Gold at the minute but I’m not really feeling it, might have to take a leaf out of your book and start a mood read on the side ?

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