Weekly Check-in: let’s get down to business 🎶

April 20, 2023

weekly check-in

It’s time for a weekly check-in!

life update

Last week was pretty intense, but thankfully, this week has been MUCH calmer! My mom is healing up nicely from her hysterectomy, Isaac had his first eye exam yesterday and it went great, and we set up a little doggy pool outside for the ducks that they are having so much fun with. It’s so cute to sit outside and watch them swim and dart around, and I’ve even been throwing fruit into the water for them to “dive” for, which is SO much fun to watch. 😍

just finishedIt doesn’t look like I’ve read a lot this week, but that Empire of Storms audiobook was LONG! 🤣 I’ve been enjoying the series even more the second time around, though I’m very nervous that there’s only one more book between Misty and me and the finale! 😭 It’ll be my first time reading KoA after putting it off since its release and I’m scared, hold me 

I’ve decided to take the rest of this week and do my best to knock out as many of these as possible so I can spend the last week of April trying to finish up what’s left on my April TBR—wish me luck!

📚 current reads 📚

and everything else I’ve been playing a lot of House Flipper this past week with the new Farm DLC, and it’s so much fun, though a little glitchy! I can’t wait for some of the bugs to be worked out so I can go back and 100% the jobs that weren’t working perfectly at first. I think this is my 2nd favorite DLC pack so far (with my first favorite being the Pets DLC).

We also started watching SPYxFAMILY this week, FINALLY! I’ve been reading the manga for a while and keep meaning to check out the anime. We’re a few episodes in and it’s SO CUTE! Isaac is absolutely obsessed with Anya, which makes perfect sense because they have very similar chaotic energy. 🤣

Heads up: you can always friend me on Letterboxd if you wanna see my movie mini reviews!

What are you reading right now, or what did you recently finish? Is anything exciting happening in your life? Let me know in the comments!


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. I really need to get to Book Lovers! It sounds so good! I’m currently reading my ARC of The Night of the Living Queer and the story I ended on last night was 5 stars, ugly cried, and was a mushy puddle over it. It’s such a good read so far! Other than that, I’m back on my farm sim high and completely obsessed with Sun Haven! There’s an update that’s supposed to be coming soon that has so much packed into it. I’m really excited about it! I’m glad you’re loving House Flipper Farming Sim! ♥ I haven’t played House Flipper in a hot minute, but this makes me want to pick up again!

    1. Glad your mom is recovering nicely!! I’m sorry she had to have that done. My sister just had her hysterectomy three weeks ago. She’s bouncing back quicker than I thought she would so I’m sure your mom will too! <3 Yes, I think most of the Throne of Glass books are soo long!! I hope you can catch up on some of your reads for this month! I feel you- I'm so behind!! lol

    1. If you ever decide to post a video of your ducks playing in the water I will watch it immediately ohmygosh I bet it is so cute!!

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