Weekly Check-in: the week of DNF

April 27, 2024

weekly check-in

It’s time for a weekly check-in!

life update

This was another week without a ton of reading. We had a lot going on IRL this week, plus I kept picking up books that I wasn’t interested in! I’m feeling VERY picky right now, but I want to read, so it doesn’t feel like a slump as much as having very specific tastes right now 😅 I also wasn’t feeling in the mood for much content creation this week, which is why this post is late and I don’t think I posted anything else here over the last week.

just finishedI dunno what was up with me, but this was the week of DNF titles! I feel like life is way too short to read anything I’m not loving right now, you know? Also, I don’t frequently give star ratings to books I don’t finish, but that Darkest Unsolved Mysteries book was awful. 😂 I’ll link to my DNF review in the title if you want to hear more! The H.D. Carlton book wasn’t bad, it just wasn’t really keeping my interest.

📚 current reads 📚

Part of me wants to mood read and forget my whole TBR, while another part of me really wants to crack down and finish as many of these as I can just to get them off my plate! I remember now why I made the “must make weekly progress on every current read” rule (that I’ve been breaking a LOT lately lol). The longer a book sits on the sidelines of my current reads list, the less interest I have in continuing it, no matter how much I’m enjoying it. But a few of these would really be SUCH quick books to finish if I would just sit down and focus on them.

and everything else I finally restarted my Animal Crossing island (after having the same island since release day!!!) and it’s fully renewed my love for this game. I’ve been enjoying the early game stuff again SO much, especially since now I’m getting to do it all at once in the beginning instead of waiting months between updates like when the game first launched. Right now my villagers are Agnes, Lyman, and Rodeo, and I have Celia and Victoria moving in tomorrow. 🥰

What are you reading right now, or what did you recently finish? Is anything exciting happening in your life? Let me know in the comments!



More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. I’m sorry you had so many DNFs this week. I hope you are able to sit down and focus us on a couple of your currently reading books that way you can take them off your list.

    1. Ah I love agnes & Rodeo ? every once in a while I do love to restart games, especially Animal crossing! I believe i’m on my 3rd island.

      Aww sorry to hear you DNFed so many books- but hey, space for mor books! (Hopefully better ones to be read!)

    1. I DNFed a bunch this week, too, and read a book I should have DNFed XD

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