Weekly Check-in: I need more reading time in my life

May 17, 2022

weekly check-in

It’s time for a weekly check-in!

I’ve been doing “WWW Wednesday” posts for a while, but posting it on a specific day every week doesn’t always work for me, and I wanted to switch things up a little, so I’m changing these over to a “weekly check-in” where I’ll talk about what I’m reading, what I’ve finished reading lately, a little life update, and maybe some other non-bookish stuff like movies I’ve watched or games I’m playing a lot of! (It also gave me a good excuse to play around with a new graphic art pack I bought!)

life update

This hasn’t been a bad week so far, though my sleep schedule is still pretty messed up! We found out yesterday that my spouse’s work schedule will be changing in the next couple of months to an earlier shift, and that’s definitely going to help me get back on track, because my sleeping-in habits are mostly due to how late our family stays up with my spouse’s current schedule (they work 3pm-midnight right now). We’ve been spending a lot of time in our backyard above-ground pool this week since it’s been so hot already, plus one of my favorite games got a new DLC release and a very sweet friend (I love you, Malli!) gifted it to me, so between the outside playtime and the video game sessions, I haven’t read much over the past week! That’s okay, though, because a new round of the Unexpected Readathon starts this weekend and I’m hoping to really devote some serious time to finishing some current reads!

just finished

This is the first time this has happened in a long time, but I haven’t finished anything since last week’s post! 😬

… sigh. No comment. 😂

and everything else

As I mentioned earlier in this post, one of my favorite games (House Flipper) got a new Pets DLC, and I’m obsessed. Not only do you get to flip houses to be pet-friendly, like creating dog rooms and stuff, but you also get to adopt your own pets?! So far I just have the first pet you get, which is a dog (I won’t be more specific to avoid spoilers for other HF fans lol), but it’s so freaking cute and I love that you get to play with, pet, bathe, etc. the animals. I need to work today and all I want to do is put on an audiobook and play House Flipper! 😭

What are you reading right now, or what did you recently finish? Is anything exciting happening in your life? Let me know in the comments!


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. Loving the new graphics!! ? Whenever I see Vespertine on your list I’m reminded that I really need to read it ? House Flipper Pets honestly sounds SO cute ?

      1. Awww, thank you, Caro!! I’m so glad you like them! I really like how they turned out and it has me wanting to do a big graphics overhaul on my site lol! House Flipper Pets is the cutest, I highly recommend it!

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