Biweekly Check-in: I’m back and I have things to update!

June 6, 2024

It’s time for a biweekly check-in!

life update

I’ve decided to change these to a biweekly check-in instead of a weekly one for now! If this slump passes and I get back to my normal reading speeds, I’ll probably go back to doing these weekly, but for now, I’m just not reading enough to justify writing these up every single week. I haven’t posted a check-in since May 10th, so I have a fair bit of time to cover in this update.

I took a hiatus for the second half of May, as you all know, and it did me a lot of good! It helped me realize that I wasn’t tired of blogging, I was just tired of pressuring myself so much and posting content that I wasn’t excited about.

just finishedIt’s been quite an interesting reading ride for the past few weeks! It seems like, for the most part, I was either loving or hating everything. I was enjoying Ghostland, just decided I wasn’t quite in the mood to continue it right now. Feed, on the other hand, I’m not sure if I’ll pick back up. I usually adore anything she writes, but I was honestly kind of bored, and then I accidentally spoiled myself on the ending and it made me unsure if I care to pick it back up. Maybe someday!

📚 current reads 📚

Despite the busy weekend coming up, I’m really hoping to make pretty significant progress in Winter and to start a buddy read of Murder Road by Simone St. James.

and everything else A few gaming updates:

  • I got all 10 villagers and KK had his concert at my ACNH island this morning! My villagers are: Antonio, Celia, Joey, Lymon, Marshal, Octavian, Pekoe, Poppy(!!!), Rodeo, and Victoria. I freaked out when I found Poppy on a NMT island because she was my favorite from my old ACNH island! She’s so precious.
  • Diablo IV is on sale (until the 8th, I think) and I bought it on Steam to finally try out! I’m always seeing my spouse play it and it looks like SO much fun and I adore the aesthetic. This will be my first time playing a Diablo game!
  • I started playing a new game called Coffee Caravan; it’s like a restaurant management rogue-like? The mapping style is identical to Slay the Spire (which I adore) and it’s a ton of fun and cute!

What are you reading right now, or what did you recently finish? Is anything exciting happening in your life? Let me know in the comments!



More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. oooo you’re reading Haunting Adeline. I loved loved loved that book but it hurt my heart so much. Such a good book though.

    1. I’ve chosen to do one mid-month and one end-of-the-month reading update as well instead of doing updates weekly. 🙂 And I’ve told myself too that this time around, I’ll only post content that I’m genuinely excited about posting. Also, why the Winter DNF? D: That’s so scary to me bc I plan to reread the first 3 Lunar Chronicles books so I can finally read Winter. ?

    1. I’m glad you have returned because I only recently subscribed to your blog 🙂 hahah & breaks are healthy to take so I’m glad you also did that 🙂
      Bookwise, I also had a similar experience last month where it was either LOVE it or HATE it! I really want to read Slaying the Vampire Conquerer so I’d be curious for your thoughts.
      I’ve also been eyeing Diablo IV because of it’s vibe and I’ve been told I may enjoy it so I hope you do and maybe I’ll try it one day 🙂 The only game I’ve been playing at the moment is Stardew, I had to take a break because my wrist was hurting but now I’m back hahahah

    1. Ahhhh I love Diablo IV! It’s so fun and it’s a great game to just sit back and let your mind relax a bit (unless you’re interesting in learning builds and maxing out stats, which isn’t my jam). Also, Lilith. ? The score is also incredible!

    1. I can see why you would put Feed down – I gave it 5 stars but that was mainly for the ending, the first portion of the book is a bit of a slog to get through. (And I’m not sure whether the ending will have the same impact if you’ve been spoiled ?) Coffee Caravan looks so good, I ran to wishlist it on Steam!

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