Weekly Check-in: finally reading a book that had been on my TBR basically my whole life

June 30, 2023

weekly check-in

It’s time for a weekly check-in!

life update

Hi, everyone! This week was much too busy for my liking, but overall it was good, especially because we adopted a kitten last weekend! If you follow me on instagram, you’ve probably already met little Ella, since I can’t get enough of posting about her. 😂 I’ll be sure to post photos and her adoption story in my June recap next week, too!

just finishedIt was another week with a solid amount of reading, though I was mostly in a graphic novel mood! I also finally read Jurassic Park after I’d been meaning to for, I dunno, most of my life? and it was AMAZING. 10/5 stars

On a less exciting note, I DNFed a book I was sure I would love (The Luminous Dead) and I’m sad about it, but life is too short for boring books. 😬 I might try it again some time, though!

📚 current reads 📚

I still didn’t knock out some of my older current reads, sigh. I was really hoping to start July with a pretty clean slate! 😅

and everything else The re-make of A Wonderful Life came out and I had it pre-ordered, so I was really stoked to get that in the mail! I’ve barely played it, sadly, because my brain just hasn’t been in a gaming mood the past couple of days, but I’m hoping to really get into it over the weekend. 🐮

Heads up: you can always friend me on Letterboxd if you wanna see my movie mini reviews!

What are you reading right now, or what did you recently finish? Is anything exciting happening in your life? Let me know in the comments!


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. Omg, I don’t think I’ve seen Ella yet. I might not have realized if I did. I can’t wait for all the photos. Also sad to see you DNFed She is a Haunting and The Luminous Dead. 🙁 I still need to pick up She is a Haunting. My hold didn’t come in yet at the library.

      1. She is so freaking precious! I will definitely post pics of her in my recap post, I think it will go up on Wednesday maybe. And I’m so sad about The Luminous Dead 🙁 I hope your hold comes in soon for She is a Haunting and that you like it!

        1. I saw at least the one pic and loved it. I wanna pick up the Luminous Dead. I probably won’t for a bit though. I have a bunch of earcs to read. I know it’s taking a while, says 4 weeks.

    1. Ahh kitten!! We love kittens!! ? theoretically majora just turned one- but still a kitten compared to my 8 & 9 years old doxies!

      I’ve been playing a wonderful life too- im quite wierded out by the change of days.. so not practical ? and not a fan of the bachelor/bachelorette. Im not sure who im gonna go with this time

    1. I’ll have jump on Instagram and see your kitten? I did not enjoy The Luminous Dead either, but Jurassic Park is amazing!

    1. Yay for finally getting to read Jurassic Park! It’s so good. I’m sorry you didn’t get hooked by The Luminous Dead. Even though I loved it, I know it’s really hit or miss with people.

    1. I am SOBBING that you DNF’d She is Haunting because I am hoping to love that one. Bummer that The Luminous Dead didn’t work for you either, I loved it once I got into it.

    1. Glad to hear you enjoyed JURASSIC PARK! I haven’t read it myself but it would have been sad if it was a disappointment after all these years of thinking of reading it haha.

      I am also thinking too bad about SHE IS A HAUNTING. But, I started it at one point and then wasn’t sure I could get into it and set it aside for awhile… then I picked it back up and enjoyed it a lot more. So I can imagine why a different reader would have simply DNF’d it. (I am still reading it, as I had to return it to the library when I was only about 30% of the way through)

      1. Jurassic Park was soooo good! I was so worried it would be a letdown too haha, but nope <3

        Did you end up finishing She is a Haunting yet? I felt a bit bad DNFing it so early, but it just felt like one of those rare times where I knew right away it wasn't going to work for me ?

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