Weekly Check-in: living my best romantasy life

August 11, 2023

weekly check-in

It’s time for a weekly check-in!

life update

Another week closer to autumn and cooler temps! We got some relief last week, but this week has been yucky and humid and way too hot again. I’m definitely looking forward to the cool evenings coming back, hopefully soon. 🤞

It’s been a very busy week in our household! I accidentally broke a tooth a few nights ago and it was awful. We just got dental insurance a few months ago for the first time in YEARS and I had to find a new dentist ASAP. Thankfully, I found an amazing office and they were able to fit me in really fast and got it fixed yesterday morning!

On a more exciting note, Terry (my spouse) and I are going to a Simple Plan/Sum 41/The Offspring concert in a few days! Simple Plan has been on my concert bucket list since I was a preteen and I can’t believe I’m finally seeing them! 🥳

just finishedThis week’s reading was up and down, but the two big gems of the week were absolutely incredible. Gargoyles was SO cute and fun, and I can’t wait for book 2 and to continue buddy reading the series with Malli. House of Sky and Breath was exactly as incredible as I was hoping it would be. Book 3 feels SO far away right now! I’m so glad I got to buddy read it with Misty and Prachi and we were all left pretty stunned by that last page!

📚 current reads 📚

I finally made more progress in Dracula! I’m loving literally all of my other current reads, and my TBR is sobbing under the weight of how much I’ve added to it in the 24% of Sadie’s new book I’ve read so far. 😂 I meant to also start Never Whistle at Night earlier this week but it hasn’t happened yet, so I’m planning to start it today. You might notice The Jasad Heir is missing, and that’s just because I want to focus on a few other reads right now (mostly buddy/group reads) and then go back to it later this month.

and everything else I decided to give Bramble: The Mountain King a try on GamePass last week and absolutely LOVED it. I played through the whole thing in one sitting, and I couldn’t tell you the last time I did that, even with a short game. It’s a fantasy/horror game that revolves around a young boy rescuing his sister from Swedish mythological creatures and a wicked king, and I honestly haven’t been able to stop thinking about it since I finished it!

Heads up: you can always friend me on Letterboxd if you wanna see my movie mini reviews!

What are you reading right now, or what did you recently finish? Is anything exciting happening in your life? Let me know in the comments!


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. Just started with Dracula Daily! I… tried to keep up with the emails and then failed big time lol. But I like that there’s the social media comments in. Fun to read! Even though I’ve seen a bunch of them around

      I’m… desperately trying to get my tbr under control FIRST before diving into Sadie’s new book. It’s… very very hard to do so ??. But also it really makes me wanna take some stuff OFF the tbr. Even if it’s just to add other things lol

      1. I hope you enjoy Dracula Daily! I tried keeping up with the emails at first, but then I eventually just started reading it in chunks like a normal book because I found that some days there would be a long email and I wouldn’t be in the mood to read it that day ?

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