Weekly Check-in: a late hello, September

September 9, 2023

weekly check-in

It’s time for a weekly check-in!

life update

Oops, this week’s check-in is a late one! I usually try to post these on Thursday mornings, and since it’s late Saturday afternoon I considered skipping this week’s check-in altogether, but I was in the mood to write an easy blog post so I figured I might as well go ahead. It’s been a really good but busy week! My tattoo appointment on Wednesday went wonderfully, as those of you who saw my Insta post know, but I thought I’d share the photos here too:

The text on the tattoo is from lyrics to Andrew McMahon’s ‘Cecilia & the Satellite’: “Of all the things my hands have held, the best, by far, is you.” ♥ I used to sing that song to Isaac all the time when he was a baby (and it’s even better because McMahon wrote it for his daughter when she was born). I’ve always called him my baby bear and I’ve been told my whole life that I have a “mama bear” attitude toward people I love, so it all just fits (and the rose is for his birth month, June). The tattoo was done by Seth Jordan at Mainline Tattoo in Chattanooga, TN and it was hands-down the best tattoo experience of my life. I’m so happy to have found a new artist I love!

just finishedI didn’t read too much this week, though Misty and I did steamroll through a few really quick buddy reads several days ago. Secret Society wasn’t that high on my TBR before Misty mentioned buddy reading it, but it ended up being what is probably my 2nd favorite read of 2023 so far! I loved how sweet and cozy it was and how precious the characters were!

📚 current reads 📚

Gosh, I feel like this section has barely changed at all in the past few weeks and it’s really starting to bug me. 😅 I’m genuinely enjoying ALL of my current reads, so why haven’t I found the time to finish them?! Plus I’m currently breaking my “6 current reads at a time” rule. 👀

and everything else Nothing new to report this week other than the fact that I bought Sprout Valley on my Switch yesterday. I only played a few minutes of it last night, but my first impression was that it’s cute but clunky. I’m hoping to play more of it tonight to see if I can get better accustomed to the controls.

Feel free to friend me on Letterboxd if you wanna see my movie mini reviews!

What are you reading right now, or what did you recently finish? Is anything exciting happening in your life? Let me know in the comments!


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

        1. Ouhh it’s certainly one of the prettiest placement! Ithink my worst was my thigh.. but then that’s also my bigger one

    1. I love that we flew through so many buddy read books in a week. If we keep this up we will fly through our massive list of buddy reads in no time!! ?

    1. Your new tattoo is absolutely lovely! You had such a great reading week. Really curious about Out There Screaming. So many big names! Hope you get a chance to finish some of these soon. Enjoy the rest of your week!

      1. Thank you so much!! Out There Screaming has been amazing so far – I need to get over my short story burnout and finish it, but I did read a couple that I enjoyed earlier this week so I think there’s hope for me yet ?

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