Weekly Check-in: finally feeling human again after getting punched in the respiratory system

September 23, 2023

weekly check-in

It’s time for a weekly check-in!

life update

Me last week: “I’m gonna spend the rest of September focusing on self-care and working on my hobbies!”

My immune system: “lol ya sure”

I got sick AF with a head cold several days ago and it threw me for a freakin’ LOOP, you guys. 😭 I kept worrying it was COVID, but we all tested negative, thankfully. It was rough, though! I guess it probably felt worse than it was because I hadn’t been sick in so long, but I’m finally feeling mostly human again today, which is why this check-in post is going up so late!

just finishedHow to Sell a Haunted House is probably my new favorite Grady Hendrix title and likely will end up in my top 5 favorite reads of the year. It was SO good!

I did unfortunately DNF Black Sheep, but it was definitely a “me” issue as I’ve just gotten a little burnt out on cult horror lately. I’ll probably pick it back up sometime!

(Also, a little confession here is that I’m technically not done with Tangling With Trolls, but I only have a few pages left and I wanted to hurry up and post this. 😂)

📚 current reads 📚

Okay, I didn’t quite get this back down to my 6 read limit by this week’s check-in, but I got really freaking close!

and everything else We started watching the new One Piece live-action adaptation this week and we’re only a few episodes in, but I love it. I tried watching the anime as a teen and didn’t like it, but it works great in this format, mainly because Iñaki Godoy is the PERFECT Luffy!!! I love him so much and he’s precious!

Feel free to friend me on Letterboxd if you wanna see my movie mini reviews!

What are you reading right now, or what did you recently finish? Is anything exciting happening in your life? Let me know in the comments!


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. Glad you are starting to feel better! What were your thoughts on Schrader’s Chord, super curious because Tors promotion was amazing in the lead up to its release!

      1. Thank you so much! I really enjoyed Schrader’s Chord – not a new favorite, but definitely enjoyable and an author to watch. Get this: the promotional images and videos were created by the author himself! I was in a group chat for the buddy read, and the host invited him to come chat with us after. He was so nice, and was telling us about how he had a background in marketing and video/promotional design and had made the promo materials. I was stunned! They were incredible!

    1. I’m glad to hear it wasn’t Covid, sometimes a cold can be really tough, though. My family and I had that last year. The masks fell and we were constantly ill getting everything from a little cold up to tonsilitis. We had the immune systems of toddlers. *lol* I still haven’t watched “One Piece” but it sounds like it’s really good. 😀

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