Weekly Check-in: woohoo, it’s movie day!

September 28, 2023

weekly check-in

It’s time for a weekly check-in!

life update

This week has been flying by, mostly because I’ve been super busy, and today is another busy day… but tonight is date night: my spouse and I are going to go see Saw X and I can’t wait!! This will be our first movie in theatres since pre-COVID and even before the pandemic, we didn’t go to the movies very often, but I LOVE the Saw movies and I’m so excited that Tobin Bell is going to play a major part in this one. 🥳🥳🥳

just finishedLots of quick reads and audiobooks again this week! I had mostly a lot of great reads, though I’m sad to say Camp Damascus was probably one of my biggest disappointments of the year so far — I just found it so boring! 😭

📚 current reads 📚

I feel like I’m getting back to that point where I want to start liberally DNFing things. 🙈 I had better make some decisions because I really want to go into October with only a few current reads so I can start on my October TBR without feeling too overwhelmed!

and everything else We finished the current season of One Piece last night and I freaking loved it! I already want to re-watch it. Can we please have season 2 right now?! 😭

Feel free to friend me on Letterboxd if you wanna see my movie mini reviews!

What are you reading right now, or what did you recently finish? Is anything exciting happening in your life? Let me know in the comments!


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. Yeass start DNFing more liberately ???? I hope you enjoy the movie ☺️ I discovered the Saw franchise with my ex, so I cant help but to think of him; though I really wanna see it!

      Im finally reading the no show! Liking it so far, though im more onto playing on my ipad lately ?

      1. Haha I really do need to DNF more often! I’ve started DNFing a few per month which feels like a lot for me, as I used to very rarely DNF, and it’s been very liberating. ?

        Oof, sorry that it reminds you of your ex! That’s always a crappy feeling. ? I hope that connection fades for you soon so you can enjoy it more!

      1. I only watched it because Terry put it on one night and I got sucked in without expecting to, and then every night they would put on another episode and drag me back in ? That’s pretty much the only way I ever watch new shows but it works!!

    1. Noo, I’m wanting to read Camp Damascus sometime soon so we’ll see how I feel about it. I NEED to read the last Kingdom of book ahhh but also that means reread the first two because I remember… barely anything lol.

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