Weekly Check-in: I’m back on my audiobook flow!

September 29, 2022

weekly check-in

It’s time for a weekly check-in!

life update

What a busy week it’s been! I mentioned recently that our family is finally working on our plan to move across the country, and with that has come a lot of home repair shenanigans, cleaning, etc. This week has been no exception, with yesterday being a WILD and terrible cluster of chaos. We hired some people to come out and do some things that needed doing on the property before we can sell (septic related repairs, never fun), and they destroyed most of the land on our property and broke our water lines, leaving us without water all day yesterday. It was one nightmare after another, honestly. 😭

But on a happier note, we took Isaac to the aquarium on Tuesday and had a blast! It was our first time going out for a fun outing like that since the pandemic started. We were all masked up and very careful, as we always are, but I’m trying really hard not to let my lingering COVID anxiety stop us from making memories, and I’m glad we went. ♥

just finished

I haven’t had a ton of time for reading this week, but I’ve been on an audiobook kick lately for the first time in ages and it’s awesome! I ended up borrowing audiobooks from the library for several of my current reads AND October TBR picks, and I’m hoping it’ll help me get a lot more reading done over the next few weeks!

I have some buddy reads I really need to finish up this week, but I’m also trying to prioritize a few review copies, so my reading is all over the place right now! That said, my rule when I started only highlighting three priority reads per week was that, if I don’t finish a priority read, I need to keep it on the list until it’s done, so my priority reads are the same this week as they were last week. Oops!

📚 priority reads 📚

📚 total current reads: 14 📚

and everything else

With everything going on, we haven’t been watching many movies or shows this week, but I did rewatch Hellraiser (1987) with my spouse (their first time seeing it!) to get ready for the upcoming remake, and it was honestly even better than I remembered.

Hellraiser (1987) - IMDb

Heads up: you can always friend me on Letterboxd if you wanna see my movie mini reviews!

What are you reading right now, or what did you recently finish? Is anything exciting happening in your life? Let me know in the comments!


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. sending you all love always <3 but oh my gosh… if this across the country move involves cali… you have to let me know! i hope you're having happy reading always, sweet friend!

      1. I’m sorry to disappoint, buuuut- ? We’re actually heading to New England! I need the universe to put us in the same place long enough for me to tackle you with the biggest hug ever one of these days, please! ?

    1. Across the country!? More power to you, and good luck, friend. We moved across country around ten years ago and I don’t think I want to do it again if I don’t have to. It’s so much work, but if it’ll make you guys happier, it’s absolutely worth it.

    1. Oh no! I’m sad you dnf’d Ghost Squad, but in the terms of you moving plans, well you already know my thoughts and feelings on it! So much love to you, friend! ♥

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