Weekly Check-in: this month continues to be wildly busy and ya girl is sleepy

October 20, 2023

weekly check-in

It’s time for a weekly check-in!

life update

I’m finishing this post at 4:30 in the morning because everything has been sheer CHAOS this entire month and I needed one night to stay up late and read and catch up on things, plus my sleep schedule is wrecked from pushing myself too hard for the past 9 days straight, resulting in a very long nap today. 😅 I regret nothing, but I might feel differently when my alarm goes off. Seriously though, this month has been absolutely wonderful but it’s also been the busiest month I’ve had since 2019, if I had to guess, and I am absolutely EXHAUSTED. I just need a few days to sleep. Also, how is it already 2/3 of the way through October?! Who allowed this?! 😭

just finishedMy October reading continues to be a roller coaster! I loved The Last Haunt and The September House (TSH might end up in my top 5 faves of 2023), but There’s No Way I’d Die First was probably one of the worst things I’ve read all year. 😅 I hated it so much. You can click the title to see my rant review on Goodreads, or wait until next week and I’ll probably post it on this blog.

📚 current reads 📚

Uh oh, I’m back up to 8 current reads. 😬 Plus I’m starting Partying With Pixies today AND I meant to start The Book of Witches last night, but I’ll start that today instead. The good news, though, is that half of these are audiobooks and I’m thinking I can hopefully finish at least 2 or 3 this weekend. 🤞

and everything else We finally watched NOPE and it was just as delightful as you all said it was. ♥👽

Feel free to friend me on Letterboxd if you wanna see my movie mini reviews!

What are you reading right now, or what did you recently finish? Is anything exciting happening in your life? Let me know in the comments!


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. So happy to see you didn’t like There’s No Way I’d Die. I was part of the blog tour when it came out and god I hated it so much ? but haven’t seen anyone else feel the same. The bit with the clown and that bloody bag. I couldn’t take it seriously after that!

    1. Oh no, I hope you can take some time to unwind soon! ❤️ This month flew by and I’m so sad the spooky time is over soon ? (though I’m tempted to extend things a bit ?) Sorry to hear that you didn’t like There’s No Way I’d Die First! It wasn’t high up on my TBR, but I had been considering if I should read it!

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