Weekly Check-in: best Graphicsathon round EVER

December 7, 2022

weekly check-in

It’s time for a weekly check-in!

life update

This week’s been quite the mixed bag. For reasons unknown to me, my mental health has mostly been in the shitter all week, BUT I’ve been absolutely powering through my Graphicsathon TBR… so at least there’s that? 😅 No, really, I’m fine (well enough to joke about it, at least!), just dealing with some depression and irritability this week and I wish I knew why. Maybe it’s all the rainy, dreary days we’ve had lately! I love rainy days normally, but these have been those super sleepy sorts of rainy days and they do make me feel a bit off-kilter. I think I’m going through a bit of a chronic pain/illness flare-up as well, so hopefully that will pass soon and the rest of the week will be better. 🤞 (At the time that I’m finishing up this post on Tuesday night, I’m feeling pretty swell, so I’m REALLY hoping I’m on the upswing!)

just finished Are you prepared? I was not prepared. 😅 I pulled up my spreadsheet and went, “Wait, I read how many graphic novels since last week???”

I’ve spent the past couple of months devoting this section to whatever 3 books I had the least pages left in, and now I think it’s time to switch back to highlighting my 3 top priority picks for each week! This Savage Song, Lost in the Moment and Found, and The Good Girl’s Guide to Rakes are all buddy reads I’d like to finish this week.

📚 priority reads 📚

📚 total current reads: 12 📚

and everything else We watched a few more episodes of Cabinet of Curiosities and I love it so far! I think the only episode I’ve actively disliked was “The Outside” (I think it’s ep 4, about the lotion), but otherwise I’ve really enjoyed them all, especially “The Autopsy”! I’m excited to watch the last few episodes, hopefully this weekend!

Heads up: you can always friend me on Letterboxd if you wanna see my movie mini reviews!

What are you reading right now, or what did you recently finish? Is anything exciting happening in your life? Let me know in the comments!


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. omg you read so much, i’m so proud! I’m sorry you had a shit week though! Also, fun fact vol 4 of i hate fairyland isn’t actually the last vol bc Skottie Young has started writing another volume to continue the series ?

    1. Wow, well your mental state allowed you to read a lot, anyway! I hope this week is going better for you in all respects?

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