Weekly Check-in: happy holidays!

December 22, 2023

weekly check-in

It’s time for a weekly check-in!

life update

Happy holidays to anyone who is celebrating this weekend/next week! I’ve been so caught up in getting ready for the holidays and the end of the year that I’ve been struggling to stay on a content schedule, which is why I totally missed last week’s check-in post. 😅 Whoops! I’ve been reading a lot, though! At the time I’m writing this, I’ve finished 13 books this month (which is already as much as I read in all of November).

just finishedI’ve read a lot over the past two weeks and most of them were very enjoyable! Almost every book on this list was a buddy read, too. I read This Vicious Grace with Caro; Elfhame, ACOWAR, ACOFAS, and Radiance with Misty; Nettle & Bone with Misty and Erin; and Finger Bang Fang Fuck (what a title 🙃), A Crack in the Foundation, and Fluids with my friend Charisa’s discord server! Out of all of these, Radiance was definitely my favorite, but as you can see, I gave everything 3+ stars other than Fluids (which I low key hated lol).

📚 current reads 📚

I finally gave up and put Nestlings on hold because I just wasn’t enjoying it anymore, but I want to try it again some time to see how it ends. I have a LOT of Christmas books I’d like to read over the next few days but I don’t know how many of them I’ll manage to get through!

and everything else Nothing new to report this week, sorry! I’ve been reading, working, and doing holiday prep non-stop, so I haven’t been gaming or watching movies AT ALL. We do have a few Christmas movies we watch every year, though, so I should hopefully have a little list of re-watch updates next week 🎅

What are you reading right now, or what did you recently finish? Is anything exciting happening in your life? Let me know in the comments!



More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. Wow, looks like you’ve had an amazing time with your reads! ? All those high-ratings is awesome! I hope you continue to enjoy all your reads through to the end of the year and happy holidays to you and yours if you celebrate! ?

Say hello! ♥

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