Weekly Check-in: closing out the year sick, but productive

December 29, 2023

weekly check-in

It’s time for a weekly check-in!

life update

It’s the last check-in AND my last blog post of the year! 🤯  I had so many more posts I meant to publish this month, but it got away from me, so expect some end-of-year wrap-up stuff next week hopefully. I’ve been reading as much as I can to finish off some lists for the end of the year and get in as many holiday reads as I can. Unfortunately, our family received COVID as an accidental Christmas gift from a family member, so I’ve been sleeping a lot, but audiobooks have been a godsend when I’m just relaxing. 😬

I just can’t believe it’s the 29th already! I have so much I want to do this weekend if I have the energy for it. I usually try to do a big deep-clean and de-clutter of my home at the end of December so I can bring in the new year in a fresh, clean environment (it helps my mental health a LOT).

Are you excited for the new year? Do you have anything you need to accomplish over the next few days?

just finishedIt was another good reading week! A few of these were short, but NOS4A2 is almost 700 pages. I re-read it with Misty (her first time reading it) and I had forgotten just how much I loved it. I also really adored Where the Dead Go to Die and highly recommend it!

📚 current reads 📚

A new readathon round started in my discord server today and I’m hoping to really make the most of this round! I have 3 books left on my 2023 TBR that I’d love to get to (2 are pretty short) and I’d like to wrap up all of the Christmas books I’m currently reading. Hark! and Craven Manor are both audiobooks and the Ben Farthing book is a novella, so I think I might be able to manage those, but Christmas and Other Horrors miiiight roll over to January.

and everything else We have a whole list of movies we usually re-watch every Christmas, but we didn’t get to most of them this year, sadly. The kiddo has been hit the worst with the COVID symptoms, so he’s been monopolizing the TV with YouTube videos all week. 🤣 I can’t blame him. We did get to watch A Christmas Horror Story at least, which is my favorite holiday horror film!

What are you reading right now, or what did you recently finish? Is anything exciting happening in your life? Let me know in the comments!



More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. I’m sorry you all ended up getting Covid. I hope y’all feel better soon. I loved reading NOS4A2 with you it’s definitely a favorite of mine now. Totally could see myself rereading this one. I’ve never seen A Christmas Horror Story before. Is it available on any of the streaming services?

    1. I’m so sorry that you got COVID for Christmas, Destiny! I hope you are feeling better soon, I was down for like 2 weeks and it was AWFUL. Wishing you and your family a Happy New Year!

    1. Oh no not you too! My bestfriend and her baby also got covid from the daycare ??‍♀️ they had closed one day due to 6 educators being sick.. and one of them had contracted covid so they gave it to baby, which gave to my bestfriend ? luckily they were very mild and everyone is doing good! Hopefully it has been the same for you aswell.

      Lots of christmas spooks!! Love that!

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