Weekly Check-in: a new post format (and some new graphics!)

May 12, 2022

weekly check-in

It’s time for a weekly check-in!

I’ve been doing “WWW Wednesday” posts for a while, but posting it on a specific day every week doesn’t always work for me, and I wanted to switch things up a little, so I’m changing these over to a “weekly check-in” where I’ll talk about what I’m reading, what I’ve finished reading lately, a little life update, and maybe some other non-bookish stuff like movies I’ve watched or games I’m playing a lot of! (It also gave me a good excuse to play around with a new graphic art pack I bought!)

life update

This week has flown by, but I don’t feel like I’ve gotten much of anything done! My sleep schedule is all screwed up right now, and I’ve come to realize over the past year or two that I’ve reached a point in my life where letting my sleep schedule get off-track is a surefire way to throw off my entire routine. I’ve only posted to bookstagram once this week, this blog post is a day late, I’m behind on multiple buddy reads, and my house is a wreck. 😂 So, my goal for the next week or so is to get back on schedule with everything! Does anyone else have this issue with your sleep schedule, or is my grasp on my routine just this fragile? On second thought, maybe don’t answer that. 😅

just finished

Over the past week, I finished a buddy read and read a graphic novel and a manga, and re-read a childhood favorite! It’s not a lot, but they were all 5-star reads, so I can’t complain!

  • finlay donovan is killing it // elle cosimano
    I 100% GET THE HYPE and this was amazing!
  • bunnicula: the graphic novel // james howe & andrew donkin (REVIEW)
    As a lifelong Bunnicula stan, I approve so much of this adaptation.
  • the liminal zone // junji ito (REVIEW)
    I adored this — easily my favorite Junji Ito title yet!
  • the haunted mask // r.l. stine (RE-READ)
    It’s been SO long since I’ve read this, but it’s just as good as I remembered it!

I SWEAR I HAVE NO IDEA HOW THIS HAPPENED AGAIN 😭 I’ve been in such a mood reading, “start everything and finish nothing” sort of mood! On the plus side, several of these are either very short reads or are books that I’m pretty far into, so hopefully I can clean this up a lot over the next week! 🤞

and everything else

If you follow my twitter, you might have seen my ramblings, but I finally watched The Batman and I’m obsessed. It was flawless and I literally wouldn’t have changed a single thing about it. The entire cast was incredible, the ✨vibes✨ were on point, and I loved how unique this film’s take on Bruce Wayne was in portraying him as a somber, reclusive grown-up goth kid instead of a playboy — don’t get me wrong, Christian Bale is my other favorite Batman, so I love that version of Bruce too, but this was a breath of fresh air!

I also started playing a new game this week — Bugsnax came to Xbox Game Pass, so I finally got the chance to check it out, and it’s pretty alright! I’ve been having a hard time getting sucked into games lately (besides endless Fortnite battle royales with my family, lol), so I’m not sure if I’ll continue it, but it’s cute and has a unique premise, and I dig the casual sapphic rep (but the whole idea of eating the adorable Bugsnax themselves makes me a little sad).

What are you reading right now, or what did you recently finish? Is anything exciting happening in your life? Let me know in the comments!

— destiny ♥

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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. As someone who has struggled for the past few years to *make* a routine because my sleep schedule is hard to get under control and has been out of whack for a while, I definitely don’t think this is just you!!

      1. I’m glad I’m not alone, but also sorry you deal with this, too! I don’t get why it makes it so hard. When I was a teenager, it never mattered at all, and even in my early 20s – but it’s like over the past several years, I just have no concept of time or anything at all if I don’t wake up around the same time every day ? I hope you can get your sleep schedule under control soon. ♥

        1. Yeah, I’d love to know what caused that transition, because I connect with that experience, too. Wishing us both sleep schedules that serve us and our health!!

    1. Oh I am the SAME way with my sleep schedule! Mine has been off for the last couple weeks and it’s been impossible to get anything done. I think I’m finally wrangling it, though.

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