WWW #11: February 06, 2019

February 6, 2019

WWW Wednesday is hosted by Taking On a World of Words. It’s a meme that takes place every Wednesday, where the posters discuss 3 Ws:

  1. What are you currently reading?
  2. What did you recently finish reading?
  3. What do you think you’ll read next?

This week was… I dunno. It was a weird reading week.

  1. This Mortal Coil — 14% (so help me god, I swear I will finish this soon)
  2. It Ends With Us — 35% (and this)
  3. The Nightmare Girl — 17%
  4. Nevernight reread — 10%
  5. Enchantee — 14%
  6. Horrorstor — 52%


  1. Your Favorite Band Cannot Save You ★★★★★
  2. Binti: The Complete Trilogy ★★★★
  3. Fame, Fate, and the First Kiss ★★★★★

My slump isn’t back (thankfully), I was just sick as hell for most of the last week. If I wasn’t working or taking care of my toddler (who’s also been sick), I was sleeping.
I’ve got another week for the Splattertine’s readathon, so I’m gonna try to finish Horrorstor and start a new horror read, plus hopefully finishing my current reads and working on my two remaining ARCs that released yesterday:

  1. The Black Farm
  2. We Told Six Lies
  3. A Danger to Herself and Others


Have you read any of the titles I mentioned in this post, or are any on your TBR? Let me know in the comments!


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

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    1. I just finished All The Missing Girls. I’m trying to figure out what read next – Debating between Harry Potter 1 and The Hate U Give.

    1. Eager to hear your thoughts on It Ends With Us–that’s the only book I read and loved by Colleen Hoover. I read one other by her that I didn’t like and then was just turned off by her other works.

      1. I’m almost finished with it right now and really enjoying it! I had put it down for a bit because I wasn’t really in the mood for a “heavy” read but now that I picked it back up, I’m flying through it. I’m so interested in Atlas as a character!

    1. I read (and loved) A Danger to Herself and Others. I’m interested to see some reviews of We Told Six Lies. It seems all the YA mysteries I pick up, I end up disliking for some reason or another, so I’m on the hunt for a favourite.
      The cropped cover of Horrorstory looked like an Ikea catologue for a second, haha … *looks it up* Okay, now that is both a very interesting summary and a very cool book cover.

      1. I feel you! I feel like I’m unfairly harsh on YA mysteries sometimes, but I swear most of them are either problematic or cringe-inducingly predictable… 🙁 I’m glad you loved Danger! I’m hoping to start it by the end of this week or so. And yes, haha, Horrorstor does look like an IKEA catalog in person! It’s really cool! It also has blueprints of furniture inside and they get more “twisted” as the book goes on and gets darker.

    1. I will forever chant TMC until you finish xD! TMC TMC TMC TMC TMC TMC!!!!!!! Good luck with all your reads Destiny!

    1. how are you liking it ends with us so far?? and i heard really bad things about the newest kasie west so glad to see someone liked it! i’ve been debating whether i’d check it out or not

      1. I really like It Ends With Us so far! I’m about 2/3 through and if I had to guess I’d say it’ll probably be a 4.5-star read for me. I might even round up. 😛 And the new Kasie West was SO CUTE to me that I literally can’t understand why it’s getting such negative reviews! ? It makes me sad.

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