WWW #12: February 13, 2019

February 13, 2019

WWW Wednesday is hosted by Taking On a World of Words. It’s a meme that takes place every Wednesday, where the posters discuss 3 Ws:

  1. What are you currently reading?
  2. What did you recently finish reading?
  3. What do you think you’ll read next?

I feel like I’m FINALLY back on my reading game this week, and I managed to whittle my current reads down to a manageable number! Sadly, I’m STILL working on TMC and IEWU…

  1. This Mortal Coil — 14% (so help me god, I swear I will finish this soon)
  2. It Ends With Us — 35% (and this)
  3. Nevernight reread — 10%


  1. oh no
  2. Nancy Drew: The Palace of Wisdom
  3. Safely Endangered
  4. Servant & Lord
  5. Over & Over Again (reread) ★★★★★
  6. A Walk Through Hell, Vol. 1
  7. The Mermaid’s Voice Returns in This One
  8. We Told Six Lies
  9. On the Hunt for the Haunted
  10. Island Book
  11. Enchantee (no rating)
  12. Hooray for You!
  13. Our Super Adventure, Vol. 1
  14. Horrorstor
  15. Sailor Moon: Eternal Edition 1
  16. The Nightmare Girl

I have big plans for this week. My focus over the next week is my buddy read of Second Chance Summer with Reg, as many ARCs as possible, chipping away at my February TBR, and finishing my current reads!

  1. The Black Farm
  2. Second Chance Summer
  3. The Beast’s Heart
  4. Gates of Stone
  5. King of Scars


Have you read any of the titles I mentioned in this post, or are any on your TBR? Let me know in the comments!


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

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      1. I haven’t read much of The Beast’s Heart yet (I don’t think I’ve even put it on my currently-reading shelf yet!), but I’ve loved what I’ve read of it so far! It feels like a really unique take on the old tale as it’s told from the Beast’s perspective. 🙂 and I’m almost done with It Ends With Us, pretty sure I’ll finish it tonight or tomorrow, and WOW, it’s so good!

    1. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on CoHo’s It Ends With Us. It is the only book I read by her that I loved (I’ve only ever read one other one which I didn’t like).

    1. I picked up Nevernight from the library today. I am so excited! I agree with Ellyn, you are definitely the reading queen. I want your reading life!

    1. Oh wow you’ve got a lot of books on this post! Good luck reading those ARCs — I will start Nevernight as soon as March starts for our book club ?

      1. Thank you, love! I’m almost done with Second Chance Summer and WOW, it’s amazing. Like, I’ll be stunned if I give it less than 5 stars by the time it’s all said and done. I still haven’t started KoS but hopefully I will this week!!

      1. I am seriously the biggest failure EVER for taking so damn long to finish TMC, because if my first impression tells you anything, I honestly think it will easily be a 4.5-5 star read for me — so wtf is the holdup?! Nobody knows…

        1. Honestly, I get it. If you are at all backlogged and stressed with books to read? TMC will consume you and maybe you know that? Or just not the right mood for science fiction. I am glad you are enjoying it so far!!!

          1. I think that’s exactly it, it’s that I’m so behind on ARCs and my TBRs right now that it’s making my reading habits a little weird! I’m trying really hard to stop being so hard on myself about the ARCs I’ve missed release dates for lately, but it’s hard. I’m also trying to stop requesting anything that comes out before June-ish, but that’s hard too, haha! Though, on the other hand, at least I know from the last 2 years’ cycles that most of the big YA releases come out between February and June every year, and once July hits, my ARC schedule ALWAYS calms down a lot, so I know that my requesting spree is hitting the time where it’s calming down a wee bit. 😛

    1. I hope you enjoy It Ends With Us! Colleen Hoover’s books are always hit or miss for me, but I really enjoyed this one! I want to read King of Scars, but I need to finish all of the other books in the Grishaverse first lol

      1. Thank you! I’m almost done with IEWU and love it so far. I just started “part 2” and stuff is getting real lol! And definitely read the other Grisha books first, from what I’ve heard!!

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