WWW #13: February 20, 2019

February 20, 2019

WWW Wednesday is hosted by Taking On a World of Words. It’s a meme that takes place every Wednesday, where the posters discuss 3 Ws:

  1. What are you currently reading?
  2. What did you recently finish reading?
  3. What do you think you’ll read next?

I finally made some progress towards finishing It Ends With Us and This Mortal Coil! At the rate I’m going, though, it feels like I’ll never finish this Nevernight reread because I’m just not listening to audiobooks right now. Every time I get in the car lately, all I want is to repeat the same Beartooth song. ?

  1. This Mortal Coil — 21%
  2. Nevernight (reread) — 10%
  3. It Ends With Us — 58%
  4. Gates of Stone — 23%
  5. The Black Farm — 66%
  6. At the Cemetery Gates: Volume 2 — 47%


✨ review copy
? graphic novel/manga/poetry
? children’s book
? from this month’s TBR
?‍♀️ mood read

  1. ✨ Clouded By Envy — ★★★1/2
  2. ?‍♀️ Blasphemy! — ★★★★★
  3. ?‍♀️ Second Chance Summer — ★★★★★
  4. ? Grey (Mercy Thompson short story) — ★★★★★ (not pictured)

I didn’t get too much completing done over the last week, even though I feel like I read a lot. ?
With the end of the month coming up fast, my main goal is to finish all of my current reads. Beyond that, I’m aiming for a couple of ARCs and a reread:

  1. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (reread)
  2. Red, White, & Royal Blue
  3. Wolf Land


Have you read any of the titles I mentioned in this post, or are any on your TBR? Let me know in the comments!


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

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      1. It’s been pretty good so far! I don’t think it’ll be a new favorite or anything, but it’s been worth reading. The cover is amazing! And one of the main characters is positively brutal, so heads up in advance — she’s just really casually cruel.

          1. It may be too early to tell, but I’m about 150pg in, and so far, I would say I don’t think she is. It’s an adult fantasy (I only mention this because a lot of my friends have assumed it’s YA) and it reminds me of Game of Thrones in a sense, with how so many of the characters aren’t “villains” but they’re also definitely not good, they’re just out for their own agendas and don’t care what it takes to get there.

            1. Thanks, Destiny! I haven’t read GoT either, but I’m still interested to read this book. I’ll keep this in mind while reading it. 🙂

    1. Wow. I’m going to be so excited the week that I see It Ends With Us and This Mortal Coil in the recently finished category. Books that feel like a drag always feel like the biggest accomplishments once you finish them. And I can’t wait to hear what you think of Red, White, & Royal Blue since it sounds really good!

      1. Haha, you and me both!! It’s just weird because I’ve enjoyed both of them tremendously so far, so you would think I’d hurry up and finish them. I think my issue with TMC might be that I wasn’t 100% in a sci-fi mood when I started it (and I’m still not).

    1. I’m reading Nevernight too! I also have plans to do a reread of HP 3 this month if I can squeeze it in. February seems to be flying by.

      1. It really is flying by! I mean, I know it’s a shorter month, but it’s only 2-3 days shorter than every other month, so why does it always feel like it goes SO fast?! Maybe because spring is on the way here in Georgia. It’s raining nonstop with the storms and all, but our pollen counts are already high and everything. ?

        1. We just got over a foot of snow here in Minnesota and broke a February snowfall record and they are predicting a blizzard tomorrow. I am so ready for spring, but it is going to be a muddy one.

          1. Ewwww, that sounds awful, I’m sorry! I hope spring shows up quicker than expected for you all, though I do hate muddy springs. :/ I think that’s what we’re going to have, too: muddy, muggy, and wet. BLEH.

    1. You read so much at the same time! That you can keep up with them all haha 🙂

      1. Haha this is actually less than I was reading at one time last year!! I made a rule for myself that I can’t read more than 5-6 things at one time now because I had gotten up to 15 at certain points last year and got very overwhelmed and slumpy! 🙁

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