WWW: July 17th, 2019

July 17, 2019

WWW Wednesday is hosted by Taking On a World of Words. It’s a meme that takes place every Wednesday, where the posters discuss 3 Ws:

  1. What are you currently reading?
  2. What did you recently finish reading?
  3. What do you think you’ll read next?

This week, my “finish or DNF” goal will be Ragged Alice!

  1. Godsgrave
  2. Ragged Alice
  3. A Court of Thorns and Roses (reread)
  4. Prince’s Gambit (reread)
  5. In the Shadow of Spindrift House
  6. Imaginary Friend
  7. Dead to the World
  8. Hunting Prince Dracula (reread)


✨ review copy
? graphic novel/manga
? poetry
? children’s book
? from this month’s TBR
?‍♀️ mood read
⌛ set aside for later
? reread
? audiobook

Not much going on this week because I mostly worked, played WoW, and listened to podcasts.

  1. ✨?❌ Little Mama (DNF)
  2. ✨? Rose, Vol. 1: Double Life ⭐⭐⭐⭐
  3. ✨? Mamma Mia! 1. Just the Girls ⭐⭐
  4. ✨? Mooncakes ?????
  5. ✨⌛ The Rest of the Story (just not feeling it right now?)
  6. ?‍♀️ No Homo ⭐⭐⭐⭐ (I’m not even including the cover because it’s just… a little much. But you can find it on my GR shelves. ?)

My goal this week is to start everything left on my TBR, besides the group reads I decided not to participate in. (whoops)

  1. Salvation Day
  2. Changeling
  3. The Work of Art
  4. How We Became Wicked
  5. Dahlia Black

Have you read any of the titles I mentioned in this post, or are any on your TBR? Let me know in the comments!


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

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    1. Ooh I read mooncakes this weekend, it was so cute! I loved it!

      1. It was soooo precious! Same, the last… 2 chapters, I want to say? Of mine were in black and white and they weren’t completed sketches, i don’t think. It was weird, I’ve never had that in an ARC before as far as I can recall, but I didn’t mind it. Like you, it just made me excited to reread it 😀

      1. I am really hoping it’s just this crappy reading slump I’ve been in the last few months! I was really liking it before my slump hit so hopefully I’m going to love it when I pick it back up. I’m so glad to hear you loved it!!

    1. Destiny, you have made me very strangely curious in the cover for No Homo now. I think I’m gonna look it up lol ? Also I don’t believe I’ve heard of Mooncakes but that is the cutest title ever! I’ll look into it!

      1. OH GOD NO KELLY ??????
        I feel like I’m reaching this comment way too late and your poor young eyeballs have probably been traumatized already, but seriously lol… it’s such a bad cover but the story was so much fun. And Mooncakes was SO FREAKING CUTE. I totally recommend it! <3

    1. I’m super keen to pick up Mooncakes next week for The Reading Rush and also to hear what you think of Dahlia Black (I’m still really intrigued and yet to find time to pick it up for myself).
      Good luck with Ragged Alice, I actually love the cover and hope the story lives up to it.

      1. Mooncakes was soooo cute! I hope you love it 🙂 And I’m hoping to finish Dahlia Black over the next week or so.
        Thank you! It’s just had such a hard time catching my attention (which I think is 100% me, not the book, as I’m just now coming out of an awful slump) and I also misplaced my ARC of it for a little while, which was the big problem LMAO. I didn’t have an e-copy so I was hunting everywhere for that little bitty novella!

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