WWW Wednesday: happy 2022!

January 5, 2022

It’s time for another WWW Wednesday!

WWW Wednesday is hosted by Taking On a World of Words. It’s a meme that takes place every Wednesday, where the posters discuss 3 Ws:
What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

What I’m currently reading:

Happy New Year! I’m sticking to my “3 books at a time max” rule, so for the foreseeable future (basically as long as I can keep abiding by that rule), this section will spotlight ALL of my current reads again!

✨ The House in the Cerulean Sea // T.J. Klune
For the Wolf // Hannah F. Whitten
✨ Where the Drowned Girls Go // Seanan McGuire

What I recently finished:

I’ve been reading a LOT lately, but ACOWAR was 720 pages long, so that took most of my reading time over the past week. 😂 After finishing my re-read of it last night, I decided to treat myself to a few manga reads!

✨ A Court of Wings and Ruin // Sarah J. Maas (RE-READ)
It’s better every time I read it. ♥

Sweat and Soap, Volumes 7, 8, and 9 // Kintetsu Yamada
I’m almost done with the series 😭 I can’t believe it’s almost over!

What I’ll read next:

I’m hoping to finish both The House in the Cerulean Sea and Where the Drowned Girls Go today, and after those, I want to start my buddy read of Cemetery Boys with Malka! I’ll probably also read my first “12 in 12” TBR title: I Hear the Sunspot!

Cemetery Boys // Aiden Thomas
I Hear the Sunspot // Yuki Fumino

What are you reading right now, or what did you recently finish? Let me know in the comments!



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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. Cerulean Sea is one of my favorites!! I really want to read Where the Drowned Girls Go.. I think I might be another book behind though!

      My WWW!

      1. I’m LOVING The House in the Cerulean Sea so far! TJ is just such a good author, and I really need to read more of his books. Where the Drowned Girls Go has been lovely so far, and I hope you enjoy it!

        1. Yes, I want to read more of his books too! I did read his newest one last year but that’s it. I need to get to some of his others soon! I’m glad you are loving it!!

    1. Where the Drowned Girls Go!! So excited to read it, now that it’s out ? Also happy to see that you enjoyed your reread of ACOWAR, I still haven’t read it ? I waited too long to read it after finishing the first two books and now I cannot find the motivation to start it ?

      1. Yessss, so hyped! I feel like the release snuck up on me because the holidays flew by so fast, and now it’s here and so far it’s been wonderful. Oh no, I’m sorry you haven’t been able to find the motivation for ACOWAR! I love it a lot, but I can totally relate to getting stuck midway through a series and not feeling the push to continue. That happens to me with series all the time ?


      I can’t wait to see what you think of Cemetery Boys, it stole my heart when I read it <3

    1. Enjoy your reading! I want to pick up Where the Drowned Girls Go as well, but my copy has not yet arrived..
      I’m currently reading and loving Jade War!

    1. Where the Drowned Girls Go looks intriguing. I’ve read other books by her and really enjoyed them.

      I’ve never read anything by TJ Klune, but The House in the Cerulean Sea looks interesting.

      1. Seanan is a forever favorite author for me! It’s such a good series. ♥ And TJ Klune is quickly becoming a favorite for me, as well. I love his sense of humor and his general narrative “voice”.

    1. I’ve heard fantastic things about The Cemetery Boys, I hope that you enjoy it when you get to it! I’m also currently reading three different books: My Own Words by RBG, Edge Case by YZ Chin, and The Debt Trap by Josh Mitchell. Wishing you a happy new year :))
      claire @ clairefy

    1. I saw some thread on Twitter about Cerulean Sea yesterday that had me all cringe but.. like.. I’ve been hearing so many people say they love it and I don’t know what to do with that anymore, haha.

      I really feel like you should get Kingdom of Ash on that current read part! Time to face the music!

      1. Yeah, I’ve heard some critiques about TJ Klune, but I went into it with an open mind and honestly, I have less than 100pg left and will be stunned if it isn’t on my “best of 2022” list at the end of the year. ? I can respect anyone who’s decided to remove it from their TBR, though!

        I do need to read KoA soon. I just need to make up my mind on whether I’m re-reading the whole series first, or just Empire of Storms!

        1. That’s the way to go! It’s a little ‘hard’ of me to say, but ever since having that break from the bookish community and then coming back, I feel like there’s always -something- wrong with a book that causes people to go ‘nope, don’t read that!’ and it’s so.. tiring?
          I’m going to keep an eye out for that review of yours! Maybe I’ll have to add it to my very strict ‘let’s buy this maybe’ list, haha.

          Oooh, re-reading the whole series sounds like an emotional rollercoaster for sure! Maybe I should reread them too at some point.. Or maybe I should just try to read those three darned TBR bookcases I still have…

          1. No, I totally get what you mean. I don’t know if you knew, but I took about a year off from the book community altogether (barely checked twitter or booktube, didn’t log on to GR unless I was posting a quick reading update, etc.) in 2020 to early 2021, and that time away really helped me realize that, while there definitely ARE some books and authors that are really hurting people, I feel like there are also a LOT of instances where it’s a matter of things being taken out of context, or subjectivity (one person reading rep as good while another reads it as bad), etc. It made me start taking it with a biiig grain of salt when people warn me off of books or authors, and taught me to do my own research instead of immediately buying into something just because another reviewer said it. ? I always worry it sounds callous of me, but it’s true!

            1. I honestly really feel you on that. I try seeing whether or not it’s actually a total no-no in ‘my book’ and then decide whether or not I should add it to the TBR and pick it up. People’s opinions will always differ and I truly believe that there’ll always be someone who thinks a certain aspect of a book is ‘not done’.

    1. You’ve been reading so much lately and I’m so proud!!! I also can’t wait to see what you think of I Hear The Sunspot! It’s truly one of my favourites and it makes me so happy to see it on your tbr! ?

      1. I finished Cemetery Boys last night and it was wonderful! I’m so glad I finally got to experience all the hype for myself and see how lovely it was. For the Wolf has been so good, and I really need to finish it!

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