WWW Wednesday: I’m on a roll!

January 12, 2022

It’s time for another WWW Wednesday!

WWW Wednesday is hosted by Taking On a World of Words. It’s a meme that takes place every Wednesday, where the posters discuss 3 Ws:
What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

What I’m currently reading:

Look at me, actually knocking current reads off my shelf! My big goal for this week is definitely going to be finishing For the Wolf since it’s been on this shelf the longest.

for the wolf // hannah f. whitten
cemetery boys // aiden thomas
the shadow of the gods // john gwynne

What I recently finished:

I was on fire with my reading over the past week and I LOVE IT 🤩

✨ where the drowned girls go // seanan mcguire
An absolutely incredible installment to one of my favorite series of all time.

blasphemy! // t.j. klune (RE-READ)
I found out there was a sequel I hadn’t realized ever released, so I re-read this short story first! Still hilarious.

jesus goes to hell on vacation! // t.j. klune
I didn’t love this quite as much as Blasphemy!, but it was still a fuckin’ trip.

the house in the cerulean sea // t.j. klune
It’s incredibly rare that I finish a book and immediately give it the status of being one of my all-time favorite books ever, but this absolutely deserves that treatment. I adored this book so much.

i hear the sunspot & i hear the sunspot: theory of happiness // yuki fumino
I read the first manga for my 12 in 12 TBR (this was Ellyn’s recommendation!) and really loved it. Unfortunately, Theory of Happiness was a huge letdown for me personally, but I loved the first book so much that I’m content to consider it a stand-alone in my brain now. 😌

sweat and soap, vol. 10 // kintetsu yamada
Malka was so sweet and gifted me a copy of this, and I devoured it practically the moment it arrived in the mail yesterday. Only one volume left!

What I’ll read next:

I want to finish Cemetery Boys and For the Wolf, but I’d also like to start two of my monthly TBR picks:

weather girl // rachel lynn solomon
dead silence // s.a. barnes

What are you reading right now, or what did you recently finish? Let me know in the comments!



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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

      1. Thanks, Kristin! I’ve only just started The Shadow of the Gods, but I’m immediately feeling very captivated by the characters and the setting, so I’m hoping that’s a good sign. I haven’t read much high fantasy at all over the past few years, but I’ve heard so much hype for Gwynne’s books that I’m hoping this is a good book to pull me back in. ?

    1. Yay for making such great progress this past week! LOOK AT YOU GO!!! I can’t wait to see what you think of Cemetery Boys!! <3

    1. I still need to read the House in the Cerulean Sea! I read Under the Whispering Door and loved it! How are you liking For the Wolf, I’m thinking of reading it sometime in February.

      1. For the Wolf has been incredible so far! I really enjoy the protagonist – she has a very “no nonsense”, somewhat gruff sense to her that I love in fantasy heroines. ♥ And the setting is incredible, and so atmospheric.

        Also, Cerulean was SO good and I really hope you love it! I’ve gotta check out Under the Whispering Door soon. I’m nervous for how emotional I feel like that one is going to be!

    1. So happy to see that you had a fantastic reading week! ? It also make me so excited to see that you loved The House in the Cerulean Sea! I read it last year and it also surprised me by how quickly it became a comfort and all-time favorite ?

    1. Gahh I love The House in Cerulean Sea too. It’s such a good book? I also need to read the next Jesus Goes to Hell on a Vacation soon! I loved the first novella ☺️

    1. Enjoy your reading!
      I’m currently reading Jade Legacy, and loving it!

    1. You really are killing it. Thank m still trying to get back into the swing of things after having COVID. So far this month I’ve only finished 1 book. I’m currently reading Again, but Better by Christine Riccio and I’m going to be staring Billy Summers by Stephen King soon hopefully.

      1. Thank you, Misty! I’m so sorry you’ve been sick but I’m glad you’re getting back into things. Are you feeling any better? I hope you didn’t have too rough of a go with COVID. 🙁 I hope you enjoy your reading and feel back to 100% soon if not already!

        1. Yes I’m much better now. I have a little bit of a cough that refuses to go away but other than that I’m back to normal. It wasn’t as bad as it could have been I don’t think. Thank you!!

    1. Looks like you’re on a roll indeed! I’m still going strong too, although way slower, haha. Currently diving into Talia Hibbert since I had some ebooks on my Kindle I hadn’t read yet so it’s all the smut everywhere. 😀

      1. Yesssss, Talia Hibbert! I love this for you. 😀 It’s making me so proud and happy for you, seeing you dive back into reading so much right now! I hope you’re enjoying everything you’re reading. What Talia Hibbert book(s) have you been reading?

        1. Haha, thank youu! So far I’ve been enjoying everything! I only put one book immediately in the ‘let’s get rid of this’ box and that’s Trial by Fire by Josephine Angelini. I started reading it and was like ‘nope, I’m not feeling this and it doesn’t feel like I will if I keep on reading so let’s just toss it aside forever’, haha. I think if I keep doing that, it’ll be a huge pressure off my shoulders that I did have to carry before I took this ‘break’. 😀

          Ohh, I started with Bad for the Boss, then went to Sweet on the Greek and Undone by the Ex-Con. There’s one other book in that series that’s on my Kindle-app as well so I’ll see when I’m in the mood for that one – that’ll be a series started and finished in 2022, which would be a nice change from all those non-finished-series I have lying around, haaa.

    1. I’m looking forward to seeing your thoughts on Cemetery Boys and Weather Girl. Cemetery Boys has been on my TBR since before it came out and I keep putting it off because I’m nervous I won’t love it as much as I expect, lol. I really liked Rachel Lynn Solomon’s last adult romance so I’m hoping Weather Girl will be just as good.

      1. I just finished Cemetery Boy last night and it was honestly incredibly lovely. The writing wasn’t 100% clicking with me in the first half, but I think that might have not been Aiden’s fault — it was my first YA fantasy book in a LONG time, and I think I needed to get back into the feel of it, if that makes sense? By the midway point, I was fully hooked and literally read from about 40% to the end of the book in one sitting yesterday! I really hope you end up liking it when you pick it up. ♥ Also, I didn’t even realize Rachel Lynn Solomon had written adult romance before! I’m really glad you liked it. This will be my first of her books, and I’m eager to see what her writing is like!

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