WWW Wednesday: another week of progress on my January goals!

January 19, 2022

It’s time for another WWW Wednesday!

WWW Wednesday is hosted by Taking On a World of Words. It’s a meme that takes place every Wednesday, where the posters discuss 3 Ws:
What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

What I’m currently reading:

Two of my current reads haven’t changed, but I’m not mad at myself about it. I do hope to finish all three of these before next week’s WWW post, though!

for the wolf // hannah f. whitten
the shadow of the gods // john gwynne
weather girl // rachel lynn solomon

What I recently finished:

I’m making steady progress on my TBR and I’m loving it 🥰

✨ cemetery boys // aiden thomas
This was SO GOOD. ♥

praying for rain // b.b. easton ❌ DNF
This was a TBR jar pick. I only made it maybe 25% of the way through this before I rage-quit because the “hero” was such an asshole.

clockwork angel // cassandra clare
I read the manga version of Clockwork Angel for my second January TBR Jar pick, and it made me really want to re-read the regular books!

What I’ll read next:

I’m hoping that I can start all 3 of my remaining January reading goal books by next week’s WWW post! Dead Silence and Near the Bone were January TBR picks, and Gallant was my final TBR jar pick!

dead silence // s.a. barnes
near the bone // christina henry
gallant // v.e. schwab

What are you reading right now, or what did you recently finish? Let me know in the comments!



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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. My library hold of Weather Girl is getting closer and closer to my turn and I cannot wait to start it!!

      And I’m so glad to hear you enjoyed Cemetery Boys!! ITS SO SOFTTTT AND HAS MY HEART!!! <3

    1. So happy to see that you liked Cemetery Boys, it’s one of my favorites ? I’m a bit jealous that you’re reading Weather Girl, I wanted to get a copy but they’re not in stock and estimate a 1-2 month wait ? Hoping that my library might get a copy at least ?? I hope you enjoy all your reads ?

      1. Cemetery Boys was SO good and I’m so glad I finally read it! It’s one of those books where part of me wishes I had read it sooner, but the other part of me thinks it was the perfect timing for me, if that makes sense. ♥ Oh noooo, I’m so sorry about Weather Girl! ? I really hope you get to read it soon!

    1. Dead Silence sounds so, so, SO good! I really hope you enjoy it! I am so excited to hear your thoughts! 😀


      1. Cemetery Boys was so precious!! I’m so glad I finally read it. ♥ Aww, I hope you get to read Dead Silence soon as well! I hope it’s going to be as good as I’ve convinced myself it will be lmao!!

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