WWW Wednesday: a missed week and a roller-coaster life update

April 27, 2022

It’s time for another WWW Wednesday!

WWW Wednesday is hosted by Taking On a World of Words. It’s a meme that takes place every Wednesday, where the posters discuss 3 Ws:
What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

What I’m currently reading:

I missed last week’s post because… well, last Wednesday sucked a lot. Our kitty Lotus went downhill in a big way at the beginning of last week, and we had to say goodbye to her last Wednesday. To say that my heart is broken is an understatement.

On a happier note, though, we rescued two 3-week-old kittens this past weekend. We weren’t expecting to adopt a new kitten for quite some time after losing Lotus, and we definitely didn’t plan on adopting TWO kittens, but my mom got a call from a friend asking if she knew anyone who could bottle-raise a couple of kitties. While I obviously think about and miss Lotus constantly, this new life has been so helpful in our family’s grieving process. A friend told me that perhaps Lotus “led” these kitties to us to help us heal, and that’s probably one of the kindest and most soothing thoughts anyone has ever shared with me. ♥

Needless to say, between all of the heartache of taking care of Lotus and losing her, as well as how busy I’ve been with settling in the two new babies, I haven’t been reading much, but we’re doing an Unexpected Readathon round this week and I’m hoping to knock out a few of these current reads during it.

What I recently finished:

I did manage to read a few things over the past two weeks! They were all very short reads and I thought they were all fine, though none of them were new favorites.

  • comfort me with apples // catherynne m. valente
    This wouldn’t have worked if it had been any longer, but I liked it as an odd little novella. I don’t think it fit the horror/thriller categorization it got, though, tbh.
  • and then I woke up // malcolm devlin
    I posted a review earlier this week, but this one was fine: a little repetitive, but it had a very interesting concept!
  • smaller sister // maggie edkins willis
    This was my favorite thing I’ve read in the past few weeks. It’s a semi-autobiographical graphic novel about a young girl whose big sister has an eating disorder, and I really enjoyed it!
  • the saint of witches // avra margariti
    Not a perfect horror poetry collection for my personal tastes, but there were some solid pieces in here and I liked the queer, witchy themes.
  • stinetinglers // r.l. stine
    R.L. Stine is a forever favorite and this new collection was every bit of the cheesy creepiness I hoped it would be.

What I’ll read next:

I have SO many April “hopefuls” left that I wish I could get to before the month ends, but I know I really need to focus on clearing out my current reads a little bit first. That said, I wouldn’t mind reading these two recent hauls, and I REALLY want to start the new Holly Black book!

What are you reading right now, or what did you recently finish? Let me know in the comments!


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. I’m so sorry to hear about Lotus? It is so heartbreaking to lose pets. But I’m glad you have two new kitties, it sounds like they came along at just the right time!

    1. I’m so sorry about Lotus, its never easy losing a furry member of your family 🙁 But I’m so glad you were able to bring two new kittens into your family! They’re lucky to have you <3

    1. So sorry to hear about Lotus, but I also love the idea of her leading the kittens to you. Three weeks old – so tiny! I recently finished Book of Night. It took me a little while to get into it, but then I couldn’t put it down.

    1. I’ve started both Maid and The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. I’m one away from 100 Book Reviews on my blog!

    1. i am so, so sorry for your family’s loss, destiny. when my family lost our puppy we didn’t plan on getting another dog for a while, but we were led to it too and it was the most healing thing ever. it does feel like the spirit of the last loved pet wants you to keep that love in your heart! sending you all the <3

      1. Thank you so much, Emma. I’m so sorry about your puppy, but I’m glad you were also able to find healing in bringing another little angel into your family ♥♥♥

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