WWW Wednesday: the return!

September 1, 2021

It’s been a while… we’re bringing back WWW Wednesdays!

I’ve really enjoyed getting back into blogging lately, but I’m having a hard time remembering to post regularly. I thought getting back into the swing of WWW Wednesdays might be a good way to help me stay on track and post at least one blog post each week. 

WWW Wednesday is hosted by Taking On a World of Words. It’s a meme that takes place every Wednesday, where the posters discuss 3 Ws:
What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

What I’m currently reading:

This will surprise exactly nobody who knows me or has been around here a while, but I have way too many current reads 🙃 I’m currently at 10 current reads, and hoping to have this list a lot shorter next week!

  • The House in the Cerulean Sea: I started this in January and adored what I’ve read so far. I just somehow keep forgetting I’m reading it?
  • Revenge: Another one I started a while back and keep forgetting I’m reading, despite loving it so far.
  • Destination Truth: Memoirs of a Monster Hunter: Not sure why I haven’t finished this yet, as it’s a very quick, entertaining read!
  • Stolen Tongues: I think I’m nervous that this one has been hyped too much, though I am enjoying it so far.
  • When No One is Watching: This one has been delightful, but heavier than I expected it to be. I’m feeling genuine anxiety for these characters.

  • Solutions and Other ProblemsI was so excited for this after loving Allie Brosh so much for so long, but this has been a big disappointment so far.
  • The Icepick Surgeon: I think I’ll enjoy this once I pick it back up, but the current chapter I’m on just feels long. 😂
  • Come With Me: This is so, so excellent thus far and I can’t wait to continue it!
  • The Anthropocene Reviewed: Not me over here, in my late 20s and being sucked wholeheartedly back into my overwhelming love for John Green.
  • Horrid: I just started a buddy read of this with Malli and oh my gosh, it’s SO GOOD already?!

What I recently finished:

Over the last week, I’ve only finished one book, but damn, it was a gem!

What I’ll read next:

The next round of the Unexpected Readathon (hosted here on Goodreads if anyone wants to join) is beginning this Friday, and I have a couple of books picked out for that!

  • Intensity: I forgot to put this in my September TBR post, but I’m group reading this with some people from TBR and Beyond on facebook!
  • Ghost Girl: My first selection from the TBR jar Bex curated for me!
  • How to Vex a Vampire: This one isn’t specifically for the readathon, but Sionna recommended it to me and it sounds like so much fun.

What are you reading right now, or what did you recently finish? Let me know in the comments!



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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

      1. Thank you! Is that the new Tessa Bailey book? I’ve heard really good things about Tessa’s writing but haven’t checked it out for myself yet – I need to soon! I hope you’re enjoying it!

    1. I hope you enjoy The House in the Cerulean Sea, it was a favorite of the year for me ? I somehow missed that John Green had a new book coming out, but it sounds intriguing! 🙂

      1. Thank you! TJ Klune is such an amazing writer! And the new John Green book is really good – I feel like it got ZERO hype, which is so weird for one of his books?! I wonder if it’s because it’s adult and nonfiction – but either way, it has been absolutely amazing so far. It’s so relatable and has made me super emotional a few times, but I also feel very “seen” by a lot of his writing. ♥

    1. I got into a Dean Koontz phase near end of high school, I think ? now I only have a couple of his books. Think I need to get the Frankenstein retelling or whatever that was because I liked those.
      I’m near to finishing Cemetery Boys (again), this time on audio. And then go back to all of the other books I haven’t been paying attention to ?

      1. Omg, that’s when my Koontz phase was, too! I read a bunch of his stuff when I was maybe 16-17 and I think it’s what helped me transition into reading adult horror in general – well, his books and Bentley Little’s. I read 1-3 of the Frankenstein series and loved them, but I was one of those readers who decided to stop at the “original ending” in book 3 and not continue – did you read 4 & 5 by any chance? I’ve heard such mixed reviews on those. ?

    1. As of right now I’m only in the middle of two books and those are City of Glass by Cassandra Clare and The Takeover by K.L. Swan. I usually have more than this going but I haven’t started any of my September TBR books yet.

        1. Yes it’s my first time reading City of Glass. I had read City of Bones before but I reread it when I decided to continue on with the series. I’m enjoying the series so far but I have some issues with it and I definitely prefer TID to TMI.

      1. Horrid has been AMAZING so far! I’m about 35-40% in, I think, and really obsessed and loving it. Katrina Leno has such a strong way of making the most mundane, odd things absolutely creepy as hell lmao.

        I just looked up Once Upon a Broken Heart and I didn’t even realize Stephanie Garber had a new series! No idea how I missed that memo, but on the TBR it goes ?

    1. Great seeing you back at blogging! I really missed seeing your posts. I’m sure you can knock out ten books easily! I used to have a fondness for Dean Koontz as much as I had Stephen King. And I really hope to read Horrid soon as it’s been on my tbr for ages! Looking forward to more of your posts. 🙂 Happy reading!

      1. Thank you so much! It feels so good to be back. 🙂 I used to love Koontz, too! I haven’t read anything by him in years so I’m really looking forward to this. I hope your week/weekend is going well!!

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