WWW Wednesday: how does my currently-reading shelf get so big?

September 8, 2021

It’s time for another WWW Wednesday!

I’ve really enjoyed getting back into blogging lately, but I’m having a hard time remembering to post regularly. I thought getting back into the swing of WWW Wednesdays might be a good way to help me stay on track and post at least one blog post each week. 

WWW Wednesday is hosted by Taking On a World of Words. It’s a meme that takes place every Wednesday, where the posters discuss 3 Ws:
What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

What I’m currently reading:

I sadly didn’t knock off any of my current reads over the past week, though I did make some progress on some of them and started some new things!

  • The House in the Cerulean Sea: I started this in January and adored what I’ve read so far. I just somehow keep forgetting I’m reading it?
  • Revenge: Another one I started a while back and keep forgetting I’m reading, despite loving it so far.
  • Destination Truth: Memoirs of a Monster Hunter: Not sure why I haven’t finished this yet, as it’s a very quick, entertaining read!
  • Stolen Tongues: I think I’m nervous that this one has been hyped too much, though I am enjoying it so far.
  • When No One is Watching: This one has been delightful, but heavier than I expected it to be. I’m feeling genuine anxiety for these characters.

  • Solutions and Other ProblemsI was so excited for this after loving Allie Brosh so much for so long, but this has been a big disappointment so far.
  • The Icepick Surgeon: I think I’ll enjoy this once I pick it back up, but the current chapter I’m on just feels long. 😂
  • Come With Me: This is so, so excellent thus far and I can’t wait to continue it!
  • The Anthropocene Reviewed: I have to put this one on hold until my library hold comes back in 😭
  • Horrid: I’m just over halfway through this and pretty sure I could binge the rest of it in one go. I’m so invested!

  • IntensityI’m also just starting this one today, but I’m so excited to finally see what the hype is about with this book (and to read a Koontz book for the first time in about a decade!).
  • Ghost GirlI’m a couple of chapters into this and already really enjoying how atmospheric it is!
  • How to Vex a VampireI just started this earlier today and already feel very endeared to the characters!

What I recently finished:

I’ve been doing well with my “one book per day” goal for September so far! They’ve all been short reads, but the point wasn’t to read a ton of pages so much as it was to get myself back into the habit of daily reading, and I’m feeling very proud!

  • Garlic and the VampireEasily one of the best reads of the year so far, this was SO PRECIOUS!
  • OddballMy favorite Sarah’s Scribbles collection so far ♥
  • The BanquetA very gruesome, violent story of assault survivors getting revenge. I loved it.
  • Chopping SpreeMy hot streak of 5-star reads fell off here, but I still enjoyed this cheesy, 80s-homage story.
  • Sea of Thieves CollectionPlease give me all the chaotic, lovable bisexual pirates forever?

  • Where Hope Comes FromThis hopeful, optimistic, lovely poetry collection hit me at exactly the right time and I needed it.
  • A is for AntichristI think I need to give up on this author, because this did not hit the spot.

What I’ll read next:

My main reading goal for the next week is to work on this currently-reading list, so I won’t make a “reading next” list this time!

What are you reading right now, or what did you recently finish? Let me know in the comments!



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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. I applaud you for reading so many things at once (even if you aren’t ACTIVELY reading them, lol) – I find that I can really only keep one or two books on my mind at once! I’ve been curious about Horrid, so glad to hear you’re enjoying it!

      1. Thank you haha! My brain just reeeaaaally doesn’t like to focus on one or two books at a time – it used to, but then a few years ago I suddenly became that person who needs lots of reads at once. ? Though lately it hasn’t been working as well for me, which makes me wonder if I should try going back to 1-2 at a time and see if it’s reverted back lol!

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